Home Sales management and strategiesHow can I Personalize the way the Name of my Product Appears on my Customer’s Statement?

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How can I Personalize the way the Name of my Product Appears on my Customer’s Statement?

Producers tracking the performance of their digital products check a lot of important numbers, such as the chargeback rate.  

An important step when registering a digital product on Hotmart’s platform is the checkout settings. It’s important that all of the data is filled in correctly to avoid misunderstandings by your customers. 

One of the things that you can set up at Hotmart's checkout is the way the name of your product will appear on a customer’s statement. More than just personalizing things, this is a way that can avoid product chargebacks.  

Check out how to put the name of your product as it will appear on your buyer’s statement:

  1. Access their account on the platform: https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/login
  2. Click Products in the side menu 
  3. Select I’m a Producer and choose the product
  4. Click on Tools
  5. Click on Checkout Settings
  6. Write the name that you want to appear on the statement under Name that appears on the statement. It needs to be at least 22 characters. 



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