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How does the Hotmart Player Video Library work?

With Hotmart Player, you can easily upload videos directly from your computer or mobile device to your online course. To make managing your course content even simpler, Hotmart offers the Video Library, a feature that centralizes all your media in one convenient location.

The Video Library is an exclusive tool where you can upload and manage all your course videos in one place. The best part is that if you're already using Hotmart Player, all your existing course videos are automatically stored in the Library. To add new videos, just upload them directly through the Library.

To access your Video Library, simply follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Hotmart account through the link https://app.hotmart.com/login.
  2. In the left-side menu, click on Tools and then Show all.
  3. Locate the Video Library (Hotmart Player) option. If you prefer, you can also access it directly through the link https://play.hotmart.com/.

Once you access your library, you can upload files from your computer or mobile device and organize your videos into different folders and subfolders. This makes it easier to find and add them to your online courses whenever needed.

Additionally, you can track detailed information about your videos' performance. Just click on a specific video and select the Analytics option from the left-side menu. In this panel, you’ll find data such as the number of uploads, plays, viewing hours, engagement, and more.

If it’s your first time accessing the Library, you’ll see that all videos previously added to your products in the Club have been automatically imported. These videos are organized as follows: the main folder is named after the product, the subfolder corresponds to the module, and the video title reflects the name of the page. If there is more than one video per page, the date and time of import will be added to the video title. Imported videos that are not linked to a specific page will be displayed in the "unused files" folder.

It’s important to note that only imported videos follow this naming logic. New media you add to your online course won’t automatically follow the same structure. To keep everything well-organized, we recommend uploading files directly to the Library.

To learn how to upload videos to the Library, check out this article.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a new folder?

To create a new folder in your Library, follow these steps:

  1. On the Library page, click the blue circle with the + symbol in the upper right corner.
  2. Then, click on New folder.
  3. Enter a name for your folder and click Create. 
How do I rename my folders and subfolders?

To rename your folders and subfolders, just follow these steps:

  1. On the Library tab, find the folder or subfolder you want to rename.
  2. Click the three dots on the right side and select Rename.
  3. Enter the new name and click Save.
If I delete a folder with videos, will the videos be removed from the course?

Yes. When you delete a folder, all the content inside it is also deleted. This means the videos will no longer be available in the player or in the courses where they were added.

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