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How does the Wallet Statement work in Hotmart?

The wallet statement is a crucial tool for managing your finances on Hotmart. It provides a clear overview of all your financial transactions, helps you monitor your current balance, and shows the settlement period (when the funds will be available for withdrawal). With detailed and accurate transaction summaries, the statement allows you to stay on top of your finances and make informed decisions for your business.

In this guide, we’ll explain how to access your statement and find the information you need.

To access the statement, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Hotmart account via https://app.hotmart.com/.
  2. In the left-hand menu, click on Wallet and then Statement
  3. When the statement screen opens, you will see a top bar with different values and filters. Below, we explain each of the fields:
    Currency filter: choose the currency you want to view. The balance displayed will be in the selected currency, not necessarily the currency in which the product was sold.
    Available balance: this is the amount that has been settled and is available for withdrawal. For more information on how to withdraw your net revenue (commission), check this article.
    Amounts receivable: this represents sales amounts that are still pending settlement. For details on settlement periods, refer to this article.
    Total balance: this is the sum of the available balance and the pending balance.
  4. Set the currency in the initial field to view the statement with all the details of each transaction made in the selected currency. To see the details of each transaction, just click on it for more information. 
  5. That’s it! In addition to viewing your statement, you can also export it in CSV or XLS format. Click on Export and the file will be sent to the email associated with your account in a few minutes.


How to apply filters in the statement?

To make it easier to search for transactions in your statement, select from the filters All, Incomes, and Outgoing. Additionally, you can select the Period and Category of the transactions to be displayed.

The Period and Category filters have some characteristics that we explain below:

  • Period: the period filter considers the date when the amount will be settled, not the sale date. The settlement period may vary depending on the currency and payment type.
    To better understand these calculations, check this article. The date shown in the Date column is when the transaction will be settled and available for withdrawal.

  • Category: this filter helps you find specific transactions, divided into categories such as:
    • Sale: includes amounts from sales, disputes, refunds, and chargebacks.
    • Advance payout: covers credits and debits related to advance payouts.
    • Withdrawal: includes records of withdrawals and returned withdrawals.
    • Purchase with credit card or account balance: purchases you made using the Hotmart Card or wallet balance.
    • Hotmart card refund: refunds for purchases made with the Hotmart Card.
    • General entry: includes balance adjustments, cashbacks, judicial blocks, tariff recalculations, and more.
    • Account opening: related to changes in the ownership of the Hotmart account.
    • Blocking: indicates partial blocks of the Hotmart balance. For more information, check this article.

You can also search for a specific transaction using the Search by transaction code field. Only transactions in the Sale category have this code, which follows the pattern: HP + 10 digits (e.g., HP3799947242). Note that when using the transaction code filter, other filters will be disabled.


Accessing the Monthly Activity tab

The Monthly activity tab, also accessed from the Wallet, offers a monthly summary that facilitates the predictability of income, expenses, and available balance for that month. There is also the option to view the amounts collected daily and their addition to the current balance. Both the statement and the monthly movements are always filtered by currency.


Frequently asked questions

Why doesn’t my sale appear in the statement?

As explained, the period filter considers the date when the amount will be settled, not the sale date. The settlement period may vary depending on the currency and period, so it’s important to verify if these two filters were applied correctly, considering the correct periods. For more details on settlement periods, check this article.

Why is there a negative entry in my statement?

This can happen if a withdrawal was made, and later, a refund or chargeback was processed for a sale.

I exported my statement, but I didn’t receive it. What should I do?

The exported statement is sent to the email registered in your account. Check your inbox for an email from Hotmart with the subject: Your Hotmart statement is ready for download.

How can I identify the payment method for a transaction?

To see details such as the payment method, go to Sales > My sales.


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