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How does the Smart Installments Dashboard work?

The Smart Installments Dashboard is a powerful tool that gives you a clear and organized overview of your sales made with Smart Installments. With easy-to-read indicators and graphs, you can monitor the financial health of your business and make strategic decisions based on the data provided.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to access your dashboard, understand the different installment statuses, manage your sales, track your revenue, and more. If you have questions about Smart Installment plans, be sure to check out this article for additional details.

To access the Smart Installments Dashboard, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Hotmart account at app.hotmart.com.
  2. In the left-hand menu, go to Sales > Sales management and select Smart Installments Dashboard.
  3. Alternatively, you can access it directly by clicking here.

Once inside the dashboard, you can filter the data by product, date, status, issued installments, and even by transaction code, buyer’s name, or email.

What are the possible installment statuses?

On the dashboard, you’ll see that installments can have the following statuses:

  • Completed: All installments were successfully charged and paid.
  • Completed with issues: Installments were completed, but with some payments being late or refunded.
  • In progress: Installments with future payments yet to be charged.
  • In progress with issues: Active installments, but with late or refunded payments.
  • Refunded: All amounts were refunded to the buyer.
  • Canceled: Installments were canceled before they were completed.
  • Inactive: Installments that were not activated due to process failures.

How does the installment status graph work?

The installment status graph is a valuable tool for identifying trends and patterns in customer behavior. It helps you fine-tune your offer strategies based on what your audience prefers. The graph displays the distribution of installments chosen by your customers (ranging from 1 to 12 payments) and the status of each installment.

In the Detailing section, you’ll find comprehensive information on each installment, including status, buyer’s name and email, payment method, total amount, overdue amount, overdue installments, and even a direct link to contact the buyer via WhatsApp. This feature allows you to quickly and directly recover overdue installments.

How to track revenue from Smart Installments?

The dashboard allows you to monitor your net revenue from Smart Installments. In the transaction details table, you can view the total amount paid, overdue amounts, and the amounts yet to be received, all organized by currency.

Additionally, the Smart Installments sales revenue by country chart shows the distribution of installment revenue across different countries, helping you identify your key markets.

The Possible values to be received section shows a scenario where all installments, up to the current date, are paid on time. This gives you a clear view of potential future income, aiding in financial planning.

How to manage installments?

The Smart Installments Dashboard offers several tools to help you manage your installments effectively:

  • Recover via WhatsApp: Send a direct message to your customers, making it easier to recover overdue installments.
  • Reprocess payment: Attempt to reprocess payments that are overdue.
  • Cancel charge: Cancel a purchase and end the installment plan.
  • Refund buyer: Issue refunds to buyers who have requested them.

Understanding installment delinquency

In the Products with the most overdue installments section, you can see which products have the highest number of overdue installments, helping you develop strategies to optimize offers and recover outstanding amounts.

The Days overdue vs. Installments graph provides insights into the range of delays in each installment plan. This analysis helps you create targeted recovery strategies, such as prioritizing installments with higher delinquency rates and shorter delay periods, which can improve your overall recovery rate.

With these tools, the Smart Installments Dashboard empowers you to maintain control over your sales and make informed decisions to drive your business success.

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