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What are the fees charged by Hotmart?

At Hotmart, you can create your account, register your digital products, and start using our tools for promotion and sales without any initial cost. Platform fees are only charged when you make a sale, that is, when a transaction is approved, the fees are deducted from your balance amount.

In this article, we will explain the fees charged by the platform and in which contexts each one is applied.


Hotmart Fee 

The Hotmart service fee is made up of two fees: the Intermediation Fee and the License Fee.

The Intermediation Fee varies according to the product sale value (percentage of the product value) and the currency paid in the commission. It is charged on all approved transactions and represents Hotmart's intermediation service.

On the other hand, the License Fee is a fixed fee that varies according to the currency paid in the commission. It is also charged on all approved transactions and represents the Hotmart usage license. 

These two fees are applied according to different rules, depending on the commission currency and transaction value (which can be classified as a microtransaction or general transaction). Below, you will find the values ​​for general transactions or microtransactions.


Fee applied to Microtransactions 

Microtransactions are those of low value, such as sales less than or equal to 10 BRL (reais), 15 USD (dollars), 15 EUR (euros), or 15 GBP (pounds), as you will see in the table below. In this case, fees vary according to the currency used in the purchase and the commission currency, and there may be conversions. Check below the rules and values ​​applied:

Purchase and commission currency Offer value Intermediation Fee 
+ License Fee
USD Less than or equal to 15 USD 9.9% + 0.10 USD
EUR Less than or equal to 15 EUR 9.9% + 0.10 EUR
GBP Less than or equal to 15 GBP 9.9% + 0.10 GBP
BRL Less than or equal to 10 BRL 20% BRL
Purchase currency different from commission currency* Less than or equal to 5 USD 20% USD

*Microtransactions in which the currency used in the purchase is different from the currency in which the commission is paid. 

In the scenario where the purchase currency is different from the commission currency, the transaction value is converted into US dollars (USD) to perform the calculations. Thus, if the purchase currency is different from the commission currency, the value is converted to USD. For commissions up to 5 USD, the fee is 20%, regardless of the currency. 

Important: in all the scenarios described above, the evaluated value does not include taxes and credit card interest.


Fee applied to General Transactions 

General transactions are all those that have a higher value than those characterized as microtransactions. In this case, they have rules defined according to the commission currency. Check below the rules and values ​​applied:

Purchase and commission currency Offer value Intermediation Fee 
+ License Fee
USD Greater than 15 USD 9.9% + 0.50 USD
EUR Greater than 15 EUR 9.9% + 0.50 EUR
GBP Greater than 15 GBP 9.9% + 0.50 GBP
BRL Greater than 10 BRL 9.9% + 1.00 BRL
Purchase currency different from commission currency* Greater than 5 USD 9.9% + 0.50 USD

*Transactions in which the currency used in the purchase is different from the currency in which the commission is paid. 

In the scenario where the purchase currency is different from the commission currency, the transaction value is converted into US dollars (USD) to perform the calculations. Thus, if the purchase currency is different from the commission currency, the value is converted to USD. For commissions greater than 5 USD, the fee is 9.9% + 0.50 USD, regardless of the currency. 

Important: in all the scenarios described above, the evaluated value does not include taxes and credit card interest.


Withdrawal Fee 

When requesting a withdrawal on the platform, a fee is charged to cover bank charges. This fee is deducted from your balance at the time of the request and may vary according to the amount to be withdrawn. For more details about this fee, check this article.


Hotmart Video Player Activation Fee 

For creators who use the Hotmart Video Player, an activation fee is applied for each approved sale for Hotmart's Streaming service. This fee is always applied considering the commission currency, meaning if the commission is in BRL, the fee will also be charged in the same currency. 

Below, you can understand how this fee will be applied, depending on the type of product:

Product type Value of the Video Player Activation Fee
One-time payment products 1.49 EUR/USD or 2.49 BRL per approved sale.
Subscription products

The value will vary between the first subscription recurrence and the others:

  • First recurrence: 1.49 EUR/USD or 2.49 BRL.
  • Subsequent recurrences: 0.30 EUR/USD or 0.50 BRL.
Products sold as a bundle

The activation fee is multiplied by two.

In this case, the value may vary depending on the types of products sold in the bundle:

  • In the case of one-time payment products or subscriptions in the first recurrence: 2.98 EUR/USD or 4.99 BRL.
  • Subsequent recurrences of a subscription: 1.20 EUR/USD or 1.00 BRL.



Important information: taxes on fees 

Some sales made through the Hotmart platform may be subject to taxes on the fees charged to creators. The incidence of taxes depends on the rules of the region where the creator's company is registered, the type of product (ESS* or Non-ESS), as well as specific rules of each locality regarding taxation and possible exemptions. 

Check below the scenarios in which the tax on Hotmart's service fee may be charged:

Location of the creator
Country registered in the Hotmart account
Nature of the creator's account Nature of the product
European Union Individual Any**
Netherlands Any (Individual or Business) Any
United States (Texas) Any (Individual or Business) Any
Mexico Business Any
Colombia Any (Individual or Business) Any

* Electronically Supplied Services (ESS), for tax purposes in the European Union, refer to services provided over the Internet or an automated electronic network that involve minimal human intervention (such as software downloads, online courses, or streaming services).

** If the creator is registered in the European Union and sells Electronically Supplied Products (ESS) to European buyers, the tax will not be applied.


Frequently asked questions

How to identify the values charged in each transaction?

You can identify these values in the sales report. To access it, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the left side menu on Sales.
  2. Select My sales.
  3. Filter the desired period.
  4. Click on Export.

In the exported report, you will find specific columns detailing the total commission value and the commission value without the fees.

The buyer canceled the purchase or requested a refund. Is the fee still charged?

No, fees are charged only on approved and completed sales. If the purchase is refunded or denied, no fee will be charged.

Are there different fees for different legal entities?

There are no different fees for accounts with different legal entities. The rules are the same for both individual and business accounts.

Are affiliates and cocreators also charged these fees?

No, the fees are charged only to the creator. The commissions for affiliates and cocreators are calculated based on the amount after the fees are deducted. To better understand how commission calculations are made, check this article.

Are buyers charged platform usage fees?

No. The amounts paid by buyers correspond to the purchase price of the product. Purchase taxes may be applied depending on the region where the purchase is made. To learn more about the incidence of taxes on a purchase, check this article.


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