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How do cookies work at Hotmart?

The product creator configures the duration of Hotmart cookies. They can vary from 60, 90, 180 days, or forever, and they work with Last Click, First Click, and Multiple Clicks models.

This means that when an affiliate takes a visitor to the seller's website, that visitor receives a cookie that will last, by default, 60 days or as long as you stipulate. In other words, even if the visitor returns to the seller's website weeks later, whether or not they go through the affiliate link, the commission will still be recorded normally.

According to the chosen attribution model (first, last, or multiple clicks), the affiliate who brought in that visitor will receive a commission. This allows creators to use advanced sales funnel strategies, and the Hotmart system will still be able to track the commissions and assign them to the respective affiliate.


  • Jane is an affiliate and promoted her link http://hotmart.net/show.html?a=XXX.
  • Ben is a buyer. He clicked on Jane’s link and was redirected to www.creatorwebsite.com.
  • Ben took a look at the products, but didn’t buy anything.
  • Weeks later, Ben accesses www.creatorwebsite.com directly and buys a product.
  • Jane automatically receives her commission.

Frequently asked questions about cookies.

1) If the buyer uses an email capture form on the sales page, will this affect affiliate commissions?

Nothing will be affected. In fact, it might even help since the creator will communicate with the visitor by email, increasing the chances of the affiliate converting in the future. The cookies will keep working regardless of the sales funnel that comes after.

Don’t forget to show the affiliate code on external pages. This is very important when it comes to an email capture page because we use this code to confirm that the affiliate brought in the lead. 

You can do this by accessing your account from the menu MY ACCOUNT > Preferences and selecting the option Add affiliate code to my products’ external page”.


2) What if the creator sends a checkout link directly to the buyer? Will it overwrite the affiliate cookies?

No, creator links never overwrite affiliate links.


3) If, before buying, a visitor clicks on two different affiliate links for the same product, who gets the commission? 

It depends on the commission rule that the creator chose:

  • Multiple clicks: both the first and last affiliates will earn a commission;
  • First click: only the first affiliate will earn the commission;
  • Last click: the last affiliate who directed the visitor to the site will earn the commission.

If you have any questions or problems related to cookies, we suggest contacting our Customer Support team with the subject TRACKING PROMOTIONAL LINKS.


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