Home Sales management and strategiesHow do I change my buyers' email addresses?

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How do I change my buyers' email addresses?

There are two ways to change your buyers' email addresses, ensuring speed and autonomy for you and your customers. 

The first option is for your buyers to request a change using our Chatbot located at the bottom right of the page, and following the steps indicated in this article.  

The second option allows you, as the creator, to make the change directly from your account without having to ask support, as long as you follow certain rules.

See below a step-by-step explanation of how you can make this change:

  1. Access your Hotmart account via the following link: https://app.hotmart.com;
  2. In the side menu, find Sales and then click on Overview;
  3. Go to the Transactions tab, find the buyer you want to change the email address of and click on the three dots in the Actions column and Change email linked to the purchase;
  4. Then go to Customer's Information;
  5. Click on Edit email;
  6. Select the reason for the email change and the current email address;
  7. Then add the new email address and enter the same email address to avoid typing errors, then click on Change email.

The buyer will receive an email and will be able to access the product with the new updated email address.

If you see a warning in the top right-hand corner of the screen in step 7, it means that the email address cannot be changed. Check out the rules for changing the email address below:

  • The change can be made up to 40 days after the purchase and the buyer must not have accessed the product.
  • The new email address registered for the purchase must not have a balance or active membership.
  • The purchase must have an 'Approved' or 'Complete' status and must not have had two previous email changes.
  • The new email address cannot be the same as the producer's email address.


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