Home My Hotmart accountHow to change the registered country in my Hotmart account?

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How to change the registered country in my Hotmart account?

When you make a purchase or register on Hotmart, either on the payment page or the registration page, an account is created with the data you provided. The origin country of your account is automatically determined by the IP address of your device (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.).

If the identified location does not correspond to your actual country, you will need to open a request for the support team to make the change. But before submitting this request, you need to follow some recommendations.

Click on the options below to check the necessary actions and the documents that must be sent for each type of change, depending on the type of account you have registered on our platform:


I’m a buyer and I want to change the country of my account

To change the country registered in your buyer account, you will need to send a request to our support team. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the blue Contact us button located at the end of this article.
  2. Select the options: I’m a buyer > Update registration data > Other changes.
  3. Fill in the indicated fields and confirm the submission of your request.

After submission, the support team will contact you, providing the necessary instructions to complete the change of the registered country.


I’m a creator and I want to change the country of my account

There are different scenarios for changing the registered country in your creator, affiliate, or cocreator account. Considering this, we have mapped out the different possibilities below, taking into account the actions that must be taken, as well as the documents that need to be sent, so that your request can be sent to our support team.


How to open a request

Before going into details, we will show you how to open the request, and then you should look below for the option that best suits your need.

  1. Click on the blue Contact us button located at the end of this article.
  2. Select the options: I’m a creator > Registration or change my personal information > Change registration country.
  3. Fill in the indicated fields and confirm the submission of your request.

Do not forget to check below the necessary documents according to your request.


Documents and actions required for each type of change

I want to change my registration between other countries (except Brazil)

  • Actions required before the request
    • To verify the possibility of changing your account to another country (except Brazil), we will first need you to withdraw all the available balance in the Hotmart account.
    • Confirm if the desired country for the change is listed in the OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control). If it is listed, it will not be possible to update the country.
  • Documents required to open the request
    • Email of the Hotmart account for which you want to make the change.
    • Proof of residence in the new country.
    • Official identity document from the new country or document issued for foreign residents (must show full name, date of birth, and photo). Attention: passports are not accepted.
    • A selfie holding this same official identity document.


I want to change my registration from another country to Brazil

  • Actions required before the request
    • To verify the possibility of changing your account from another country to Brazil, we will first need you to withdraw all the available balance in the Hotmart account.
  • Documents required to open the request
    • Email of the Hotmart account for which you want to make the change.
    • Proof of residence in Brazil.
    • Brazilian identity document or National Foreigner Registration (RNE) and CPF proof.
    • A selfie holding this same official identity document.
  • What you need to know after the change
    • After the change, your commissions will be generated in Reais (BRL). Therefore, if you have affiliates who promote your products, they will also receive their commissions in Reais (BRL), even if they are located outside Brazil.
    • If you have subscription products sold before the country change, the recurring commissions related to that transaction will continue to be generated in the same currency as at the time of sale.
    • Similarly, if you are an affiliate or cocreator of a product offered in Dollars or Euros, your commissions will continue to be generated in the same currency as the creator of that product and will not be converted to Reais.


I want to change my registration from Brazil to another country

  • Actions required before the request
    • Withdraw the total balance available in Reais (BRL).
    • Deactivate all subscription products (if you have students with active subscriptions, they must be migrated to a new plan created after the country change).
    • If your account is an affiliate or cocreator: end partnerships and cancel affiliations of Brazilian products.
    • Confirm if the desired country for the change is listed in the OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control). If it is listed, it will not be possible to update the country.
  • Documents required to open the request
    • Email of the Hotmart account for which you want to make the change.
    • Proof of residence in the new country.
    • Official identity document from the new country or document issued for foreign residents (must show full name, date of birth, and photo). Attention: passports are not accepted.
    • A selfie holding this same official identity document.
  • What you need to know after the change
    • After the change, your commissions will be generated in Euros or Dollars. Therefore, if you have affiliates who sell your products, they will also receive their commissions in Euros or Dollars, even if they are located in Brazil.
Do you need to talk to us?

If you have any further questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible