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Frequently Asked Questions about Affiliation

Here is the list of questions frequently asked by affiliates on our platform. 

How does Hotmart associate a sale with a specific affiliate?

Hotmart has technology capable of identifying a visitor when they click on an affiliate's link and verifying at the time of purchase if that transaction originated from an affiliate link. So even if the visitor goes back to the sale page days later, Hotmart can still track the origin of the sale.

Find out more about Hotmart's rules on attributing commissions here.


How much will my commission be?

As it is a percentage of the sale, your commission will be based on the value of the product's sale price and the commission percentage defined by the product creator.


What is the deadline for approving an affiliation request?

Affiliation request approval is the responsibility of the product creator, they are the best person to guide you on this matter. All your pending affiliation requests can be found on the platform. To view them, click on Products > My products in the left side menu, then on "I'm an affiliate" and then "Request sent".


After a potential customer clicks on my promotional link (HotLink), how much time does it take for Hotmart to track this action?

The tracking process is carried out via cookies installed in the browsers of potential buyers. These cookies are active for 60, 90, 180 days, or forever, depending on the settings defined by the creator. If the customer purchases the product in the same browser and computer on which they clicked on your promotional link and the cookies are still active, you'll receive the commission for this sale.


What happens if the creator changes or removes the product I'm promoting?

Any changes that impact commissions on products you promote will be notified to you 3 days before they take effect. That way, if a creator decides to change the product price, the commission percentage, or delete a product, you'll have 3 days to adjust your campaigns. If the product is deleted, the promotional links (Hotlinks) will stop working 3 days after notification.


Can I affiliate with as many products as I want?

Yes! ;)


Where can I find the promotional links (Hotlinks) and sales pages links of the products I've affiliated with?

To find your promotional links on the platform, check out this article.


Can I create my own website, with my own domain and use my Hotmart promotional links (HotLinks) to sell?

Yes! In fact, we even recommend doing this if you still don't have a website of your own. The more credibility a website has, the better results its affiliates can achieve.

Do you need to talk to us?

If you have any further questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible