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How to manage affiliation requests

Receiving affiliation requests

Depending on their Affiliate Program settings, a Hotmart Producer can receive affiliation requests, and it is possible to manage them right on the platform. 


Managing affiliation requests

Approving, removing, or updating your affiliations on the platform is so simple. Just follow the steps below: 

  1. Access your Hotmart account through the link: https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/login
  2. Click on My Affiliates on the left side menu
  3. It will open the Affiliates tab, where you can view all the details of your Affiliates, the products in which they promote, and the affiliation date for each product. You can also identify Affiliates according to Product, affiliation status, special commission conditions, or the business status of the Affiliate (individual or legal entity). 


Performance, sending messages, and canceling affiliations

After choosing the Affiliate, on the right side, click on the three dots and open the Details. You can do this also by clicking on the name of the Affiliate. In the Details you can:

  1. Send a message to the Affiliate
  2. See which products the Affiliate is linked to

By clicking on the three dots again, you can:

  1. Edit commission
  2. Cancel affiliation
  3. Enable the buyer details for Affiliates. 

This means that your Affiliates will be able to view relevant information from buyers who have used their Promotional Links (HotLinks) and made a purchase, such as location or email. This information can help them throughout the campaigns or even in cases of new sales, such as upselling or downselling, for example.


Requests Received

To approve or reject an affiliation request, you must:

  1. Click on My Affiliates
  2. Next to Affiliates, select Requests received

In this tab, you will see all your requests according to the number of badges each Affiliate has. You can even filter your Affiliates by badges, name, or request date.

Requests Sent

To view the Affiliate Requests that you have submitted, you need to: 

  1. Click on Products
  2. Select I'm an Affiliate and then Requests Sent

Under this tab, you’ll see all the affiliation requests you have made to promote a product from someone else. You can filter your orders by date or request status.

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