Home My affiliate programSetting up the Affiliate Bonus

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Setting up the Affiliate Bonus

Offering and delivering bonus is a great resource for the Affiliate to boost her promotion! In the article How to enable affiliate bonuses to my clients? we provided the Producer with a step-by-step guide to enable this tool in our platform. For the Affiliate to make use of it, the Producer must have enabled this feature.

For Affiliates who wish to use this feature when it’s already enabled by the Producer, follow the step-by-step below:

1. Login to your Hotmart account through the link: https://app.hotmart.com/index

2. On the side menu, choose Tools 

3. Click Bonus Delivery  

4. Then choose the product to which you’re an Affiliate.

5. Fill in the settings for your bonus on this page

6. Click Save 

Bonus may vary: ebooks, infographics, interviews, etc. However, all content offered as a bonus by the Affiliate need to be of their own ownership! Besides, we recommend that bonuses match the products that are being promoted because buyers will feel more prone to buying them.

There you go! You can already offer bonuses on your campaigns and attract more buyers!

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