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What are the differences between Hotmart Analytics and the Sales Report?

If you already use Hotmart to sell products, you’ve likely encountered two important tools for tracking your sales: Hotmart Analytics and the Sales Report.

Although both provide valuable data on the performance of your sales, they have different purposes and ways of accounting. In this article, we’ll explain the main differences between them and how they can help you get a clearer view of your business.

Sales accounting

The first major difference between Hotmart Analytics and the Sales Report lies in how sales are accounted for. Hotmart Analytics only tracks sales that are properly tracked, meaning those where the Analytics tracking code has been correctly inserted into your external sales pages, blogs, and other content related to your marketing campaign. This means that to ensure a complete read of your results, it’s essential that all the pages involved in the sales process have the tracking code set up.

On the other hand, in the Sales Report, all transactions are recorded, regardless of whether tracking was done in Analytics. Every sale is accounted for, including detailed information about the buyer, the product sold, commissions, fees, and more.

Result availability

Another key difference is the timing of result updates. In Hotmart Analytics, data can take up to 5 hours to update on the platform. However, Hotmart Analytics provides in-depth analysis of performance metrics, which can be useful for more strategic and long-term decisions.

On the other hand, the Sales Report is updated in real time, allowing you to track the performance of your sales as they happen. This gives you an immediate view of what’s going on with your business, ideal for those who need instant data to adjust their strategies.

Types of sales available

The Sales Report covers all types of transactions made on the platform, offering a complete history of everything sold. Meanwhile, in Hotmart Analytics, some types of sales are still not available, such as sales made with Order Bump, Sales Funnel, and recurring payments after the first installment. This means that if these strategies are part of your business model, you won’t see those numbers within Hotmart Analytics, but you will be able to access them in the Sales Report.

What is the purpose of each tool?

The main difference between the two tools lies in the objective they fulfill. Hotmart Analytics has a more strategic focus, allowing the creator to have a detailed view of the performance of pages and campaigns, such as conversion rates and user behavior. It helps understand what’s working and what can be optimized in marketing campaigns and sales pages. This is a valuable tool for creators who want to make decisions based on broader, more strategic data. For more information, check out this article.

On the other hand, the Sales Report has a more operational function, serving as a tool to track transactions in detail and keep an organized record of all sales made on the platform. It is also an excellent resource for those who need to export data for financial reports or adjust sales planning. For more information, visit the dedicated article by clicking here.

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