Home ReportsWhat is and how to use the Reasons for Declined Card Payments report?

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What is and how to use the Reasons for Declined Card Payments report?

The Reasons for declined card payments report is essential for understanding why credit card purchases are not completed and how you can communicate with your potential customers to recover them.

With the report, you can access information such as transaction ID, date, status, product ID, product name, buyer's name and phone number, buyer's email, card status, and category of reasons.

With this information, you can take steps to recover these sales and improve your customers' shopping experience.


To access the Reasons for declined card payments report, follow the instructions below:

  1. Log in to the platform via app.hotmart.com
  2. On the left side menu, click on My insights.
  3. In the right corner, access the report map and look for Lost sales > Reasons for declined card payments. You can also access the page by clicking here.

You can view the results directly on the platform, or export them in CSV and XLS formats for manual and automatic analysis.

Important: The decline reasons are recorded per transaction. Therefore, it is useful to cross-reference this information with buyer data in the sales report.


Understand the reasons for decline and how to address them

With the reasons for declined card payments report, you can understand why your customers did not complete the purchase and activate strategies to recover them:

  • Insufficient funds: For purchases declined due to insufficient funds, the customer should check if there is enough credit on their card. To recover these sales still at checkout, activate the Automatic Sales Recovery on your products.
  • Transaction declined: When the transaction is declined for unspecified reasons, you can contact the customer to ensure all card details are correct and try again. Guide your customer to complete the process again, and if the problem persists, it is possible to contact Hotmart support to understand the situation.
  • Issuer unavailable: If the issuing bank is unavailable, the customer should try again later, as this may be a temporary issue.
  • Card not unlocked by the holder: In this situation, instruct the customer to ensure the card is unlocked and try the transaction again. If the problem persists, they should contact the card issuer.
  • Incorrect card details: If the card details were not provided correctly, ask the customer to review the card information and ensure all required fields are filled in correctly.
  • Card restriction: If the reason for the decline is a card restriction, suggest the customer use another card or contact the issuer to understand the restriction.
  • Expired card: If the card is expired, inform the customer to use a valid card to complete the purchase.
  • Card not enabled for the transaction: If the debit card is not enabled, the customer should use a valid credit card or contact the card issuer to enable the debit card.
  • Invalid installment number: If the selected installment number is invalid, the customer should select an installment number compatible with the options available at checkout.
  • Session previously used: If the session has been used previously, the customer should start a new session and try again.
  • Duplicate purchase: If the transaction was declined as a duplicate purchase, there is no need for recovery.
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