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Global sales: accounting & tax solutions

As of July 1st, 2024, Hotmart will act as an agent for creators, representing them to buyers, cocreators and affiliates. This change is the result of updates to Hotmart's business model, which will be applied regardless of the creator’s location.

To find out more about the impacts and responsibilities for creators, see the article Global sales: what you need to know about Hotmart's business model updates.


How will these changes affect the taxes that apply to my sales?

As of July 1st, 2024, you will be responsible for determining the taxes applicable to the sales you made. As of this date, creators will have a direct relationship with buyers and will be responsible for tax determination (knowing if and how much tax to pay), calculation (calculating taxes due), tax collection, remittance (paying taxes) and invoicing for each sale made to buyers in other countries. Cocreators and affiliates, on the other hand, will have a direct relationship with the creators and will be responsible for taking care of any tax matters that may apply to them.


How should I prepare for these changes?

We recommend that you seek tax advice to fully understand l how to proceed with these updates to our business model, analyzing their impact on your context and adapting them to your specific needs. Remember that, as you are responsible for the tax aspects of your business, you need to ensure that all processes, including invoicing, are in line with legal and tax regulations.

We are also actively working on creating content and solutions to help you adjust to the updates of our business model, including partnerships with experts to provide additional support. Check out some of these solutions below:


For those located in Brazil

  • Hotmart Pro: With Hotmart's solution, you can easily connect with qualified and experienced professionals and get advice on your accounting and tax obligations. By using Hotmart Pro, you can easily establish a successful partnership. While you focus on your product, your accounting partner can ensure that your business is compliant, avoiding tax risks. Find out how to set up a partnership here (available in Portuguese). 
  • eNotas: issuing invoices may seem complicated, but with eNotas this process is automated and simple, now also for sales made in Colombia. In other words, if you are an eNotas customer, the platform will issue your invoices for sales to Colombia directly to your Buyers. eNotas is an intuitive and easy-to-use platform that is part of the Hotmart ecosystem, with native integration. If you are not currently a client, you may benefit from the support of Brazil's largest invoice issuer to facilitate your adaptation to our new business model. Learn more here (available in Portuguese).

For those located in Latin America

  • Alegra: This platform facilitates automated invoicing with legal compliance for several Latin American countries. Alegra is integrated with Hotmart, allowing you to issue sales invoices directly to your buyers in Colombia without any hassle. 

For those located in other countries

  • Zapier: this automated solution can connect your Hotmart account to the accounting tools and platforms of your choice, simplifying the process of sending and receiving important tax and accounting information. Discover the available accounting applications for integration via Zapier here and consider selecting one to streamline your invoicing process. This will help you adapt to changes in our business model. To learn how to integrate with Zapier, click here.
Do you need to talk to us?

If you have any further questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible