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How to integrate with Alegra

We know that invoicing in compliance with the tax laws of the countries in which you sell can be challenging and often overwhelming.

Alegra is a platform that facilitates automated invoicing with legal compliance for multiple Latin American countries. It provides detailed articles and support to help users.

By integrating this platform with your Hotmart account, all your sales will be available on Alegra and ready for invoicing.

And it offers a 15-day free trial for new users. No credit card information required.

In this article, you'll find the following information:
  • Integrating with Alegra
  • Creating an Alegra account
  • Entering your information for integration
  • Setting up your company in Alegra
  • Setting up your products in Alegra
  • Preparing the list of taxes
  • Registering your products
  • Registering products manually
  • Registering products via integration
  • Associating taxes to sales
  • Next Steps


Integrating with Alegra

Integrating your Hotmart account with Alegra is quick and easy; it takes less than 5 minutes. You're going to be redirected to the integration screen, so we recommend that you keep this article open on another tab to follow our step-by-step instructions.

Please note: Alegra is currently only available in Spanish and English. All the step-by-step instructions in this article will be presented in English.


Creating an Alegra account

  1. To create an Alegra account, access the sign up page. If you already have an account, go to step Entering your information for integration.

Entering your information for integration

  1. Access the Hotmart-Alegra integration screen.
  2. In the User field, enter the email address of the user registered with Alegra.
  3. Access the Alegra Manual Integration screen. (Note: make sure you're logged into Alegra to open the link)
  4. In the User Data section, copy the token.

  1. Return to the Integration screen.
  2. In the Token field, type the token you copied. 
  3. Click Integrate.
  4. Done! Once the integration is complete, your Alegra account is ready to receive information from sales you make through Hotmart.


Setting up your company in Alegra

Once the integration has been completed, it is essential that you finalize your company's data on the Alegra platform and enable electronic invoicing with your country's tax authority before you start generating invoices. Don't worry, Alegra offers a step-by-step guide that simplifies the whole procedure. 

Click here to access the Alegra Colombia guide (in Spanish).

Click here to access the Alegra Mexico guide (in Spanish).


Setting up your products in Alegra

Now that your company is registered with the tax authority, the next step is to set up your products in Alegra.


Preparing the list of taxes

Alegra provides some tax rates automatically, but it's important to check this list to see if the taxes in force apply to the types of products you sell.

If you don't know what kind of tax rates are applicable to your products, please consult an accountant or tax advisor.

  1. Access your list of tax rates by clicking on Settings > Taxes.
  2. If you want to add a new tax rate, click on New Tax.
  3. Enter the name of the tax, add the percentage  
  4. Finally, click the Save button.
  5. That's it! Your new tax will appear at the top of the list.

Registering your products

In Alegra, you have 2 options for registering your products:

  • Manual product registration (recommended): Registering your products manually is like preparing them in advance. The advantage of this approach is that when you make a sale, your product settings are already set up and available. This ensures that invoices match the pre-defined configurations.
  • Product registration via integration: Hotmart's integration automates the product registration process as soon as a sale is made. However, it is important to note that this type of registration only provides basic product information. Detailed settings, such as taxes and categorization, require subsequent manual configuration for each product. See the guide for this type of configuration.

Important: No software automatically configures taxes and percentages applicable. Consult an accountant to configure them for your product.


Registering products manually (Recommended)

This process only applies to integrated accounts that select Colombia or Mexico as their country.

  1. Access the tab Products and services, where your products are listed. (Note: make sure you are logged into Alegra to open the link)
  2. To add a new product, click on the New item (Colombia) or New Product/Service (Mexico) button. 
  3. Then click the Go to Advanced Form.
  4. For those who have selected Colombia as their country: select the type of product at the top of the form, from Product, Service or Combo.  For those who selected Mexico as their country: disable the “Inventory” parameter.
  5. To help you fill out the form, open a new tab in your browser and log into your Hotmart account.
  6. In your Hotmart account, go to Products (access My Products on the left side menu) where you can see your products registered with Hotmart.
  7. Copy and paste the name of your Hotmart product.
  8. Go back to the Alegra form and paste the name of the product in the Name field. 
  9. Go back to the Hotmart Products screen and now copy the ID code that appears in gray above the product name.
  10. Go back to the Alegra form and in the Reference field and type REF- Product ID - HM (example: REF-4081003-HM).
  11. This step is only for those who have selected Mexico as their country. If you selected Colombia, skip to step 12:  

    In the Product Key field, select an option that identifies the type of your product by searching for one of the following terms:

    • Ebook: Reading books and resources
    • Event/Online Service: Distance learning services
    • Image/Template/Community: No existe en el catálogo
    • Subscription/E-ticket: Customer access 
    • Video: Recorded video entertainment
    • Softwere/License/Application: Computer software licensing service 
    • Payment link: Billing services 
    • Audio: Audiovisual services
  12. In the Measurement Unit field, enter the measurement reference for your product (in most cases, this unit will be Service).
  13. In the Base Price field, enter the base price of the product.
  14. In the Tax field, change "None 0%" to one of the registered tax rates.
  15. Once you've entered this information, you can click Save.
  16. Done! Now every sale of this product will automatically be associated with a tax. (Note: Make sure all your Hotmart products are registered with Alegra in this way)

Registering products via integration

  1. Access the tab Products and services, where your products are listed.
    (Note: Your products will not be available for configuration in Alegra until a sale has been made after integration with Hotmart. If you see an empty list, it's because no sales have been made yet). 
  2. Click on Edit in one of your products.
  3. In the Tax field, select one of the taxes you've registered. 
  4. Finally, click on the Save button.
  5. Done! Now every sale of that product will automatically be associated with a tax.

Associating taxes to sales

After integration with Hotmart, there may be sales where no tax is applied because the product being sold has not yet been associated with a tax. To correct this issue:

  1. Access the Invoice tab, which lists your completed sales. 
  2. Click on the Edit option for one of your sales.
  3. In the Tax field, change "None" to one of the taxes you've registered.
  4. Finally, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Save.
  5. Done! A tax is now applied to the sale. (Note: Make sure that all sales in the list have a tax applied).  


Next Steps

Alegra offers a Help Center with various tutorials and guides to support your tax compliance process. We recommend that you access the following materials to get the most out of the platform:


Do you need to talk to us?

If you have any further questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible