Home Sales management and strategiesWhat is and how to manage Purchase Recovery?

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What is and how to manage Purchase Recovery?

Purchase Recovery, also known as the cart abandonment report, is a tool that provides a list of leads who started the purchase process but abandoned it before completion. With detailed information, such as the buyer's name and email, you can implement recovery strategies and encourage these potential customers to complete their purchases.

To access the cart abandonment reports, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the platform via the link https://app.hotmart.com
  2. In the side menu, select the Sales option, and then Reports.
  3. Click on Purchase recovery.
  4. Choose the product you want to consult. You can change the product using the filter, without having to return to the page.
  5. Select the desired period and click Apply filters.


What data is available in the cart abandonment report?

The cart abandonment report includes the fields filled out by the lead during checkout, which may be:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Document
  • Link: see how the checkout was at the time of abandonment and what the offer was.

Important: The abandonment record is made per purchase attempt. Therefore, it is useful to cross-reference this information with buyer data in the sales report for a more complete analysis.

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