Home My Hotmart accountI sell products on Hotmart and need to change my access email

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I sell products on Hotmart and need to change my access email

In the digital world, keeping your access information up-to-date is essential for secure browsing. An updated access email ensures that you receive important notifications, access your products, and manage your contents available on Hotmart securely.

In this article, we detail step-by-step how you, as a creator and/or affiliate, can update your registered email on Hotmart, facilitating the management of your products, sales, and digital content, and ensuring that your online experience is continuous and hassle-free.

The security of your account is our priority. Therefore, for security reasons and to ensure that no one else has access to your account data, we allow the email change to be made only through our support.

To make the email change, it will be necessary for you to send us a request. For this, click on the blue Contact us button located at the end of this article and fill in all the fields according to the instructions below:

  1. Choose the type of support you need and click Next.
  2. In the Request details section, you will need to fill in the Select the reason for your contact field. Select Change e-mail in Hotmart account and then click Next.
  3. Fill in the fields in the Support information section:
    a) In the Email address currently registered on the platform, you must inform us of the e-mail address you wish to receive your reply.
    b) In the Your message field, you must enter the following information:
    - E-mail address currently registered in your Hotmart account;
    - New e-mail address you wish to use (that is not being used in another account on the platform);
    - ID number.
    c) Enter your country and the language in which you would like to receive the reply. Then click on Next.
  4. In the Specifications section, fill in as indicated:
    a) Enter once again the new e-mail address you wish to use.
    b) In Attachments, you must send:
    - Photos of your identification document (National ID or Driver’s License) containing: your full name, date of birth, and ID number.
    - A clear selfie of you holding the requested document.

Once you have completed the form, our team will be ready to change your e-mail address. 


Important: If you have two accounts registered at Hotmart with different e-mails, the document you send to change must be registered in both accounts. In addition, if you have two accounts, it is not possible: 

  • Merge these accounts or emails.
  • Move the created product, balance, affiliation or co-production from one account to another.
Do you need to talk to us?

If you have any further questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible