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How does the 2-day payment schedule with a fee transfer work?

At Hotmart, you have the flexibility to choose when you want to receive funds from credit card sales, even for installment purchases. This means you can decide to receive the payout more quickly to suit your business needs, without having to wait for each installment.

This feature is ideal for those looking to maintain a more agile cash flow, allowing you to reinvest in your business, expand marketing campaigns, or cover operational expenses more quickly.

In this article, we'll explain how the 2-day payment schedule with a fee charged to the buyer works. If you want to learn more about other payment schedules or how advance payouts work, check out this article.

Important! There are specific requirements to access different payment schedules. Please review each one below:

  1. Eligibility: To access this feature, your account undergoes a preliminary analysis using internal algorithms.
  2. Currency and location: This feature is available only to users selling in Brazilian Reais (BRL) and who are registered in Brazil.
  3. Minimum sales: You must have completed at least two credit card sales in Brazilian Reais (BRL).

Please note that the flexibility to choose your preferred payment schedule applies only to credit card sales. For information on when sales payouts from Pix, boleto, and Hotmart balance will be available for withdrawal, please refer to this article.

What is the 2-day payment schedule with fee transfer?

The 2-day payment schedule with a fee charged to the buyer is a model where the advance payout fee is included in your product's installment fee. This means that when you choose this option, the advance payout fee will not be charged separately as it is already incorporated into the installment fee, which will increase from 2.89% to 3.89%.

If you choose to pass the installment fee on to the customer when pricing your product, you will not pay directly for this advance payout. For more details on installment payments, check out this article.

Important: Affiliates and cocreators will always receive their sales payouts within the timeframe selected by the product creator. For example, if the creator has selected the 2-day payment schedule with a fee in their account, affiliates and cocreators will receive their sales within this timeframe.

How to set up this payment schedule?

To activate the 2-day payment schedule with a fee charged to the buyer, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the platform at https://app.hotmart.com/.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on your profile photo and select My account.
  3. On the next screen, click on Financial information.
  4. Select the desired payment schedule.

By opting for the 2-day payment schedule, you agree to our Usage Policy. Hotmart conducts monthly profile analyses and may, according to internal criteria, adjust the commission payment schedule to 30 days, with prior email notification.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this payment schedule available to all Hotmart customers?

No, this option is currently only available to selected users based on internal analysis.

Do I need to change anything in my product when opting for the 2-day payment schedule with a fee charged to the buyer?

As the fees are included in this option, the monthly installment value of your product will be adjusted. You should pay attention to your promotional materials, considering the new installment values.

Use our installment calculator [available only in Portuguese] to find out what the new value will be, considering the installment fee of 3.89%.

What is the minimum commitment period for the 2-day payment schedule with a fee charged to the buyer?

If you wish to change your payment schedule, you will need to wait 30 days before making another change.

Are subscription sales and sales recovery included in this payment schedule?

Yes, as long as these sales are made via credit card.

Why aren’t my transactions in the statement after activating the 2-day payment schedule?

This might happen because the system is calculating the amount available for advance payout, taking into account your entire sales history and deducting amounts already advanced, refunds, and chargebacks. If no advanceable amounts are available, you'll need to make new sales and wait for the system to release new amounts.

Why is 10% of the amount reserved and not received within 2 days?

These amounts are reserved to cover potential refunds and chargebacks and will be available for withdrawal in 30 days. You can check payment dates by consulting your statement or the Balance tab in your account.

Does the adjustment in installments affect taxes paid?

Yes, the increase in the final product price may affect the taxes applied.

Will all my credit card sales be received within 2 days?

Yes, all sales made by credit card will be received within 2 days. However, according to our Usage Policy, in some cases, commissions may take up to 30 days to be available.

Are transactions made via Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Google Pay valid for this payment schedule?

Yes, as these digital wallets are linked to a credit card. However, sales made via PayPal are not eligible for this option.

With the 2-day payment schedule, can I still use Flexible Advance Payout?

No, since all your credit card sales will be received within 2 days, eliminating the need for additional advance payouts. If your sales take 30 days to be received, that amount will be available for advance payout. 

Do you need to talk to us?

If you have any further questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible