Home How to create community groups at Hotmart Club

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How to create community groups at Hotmart Club

Organizing your communities into groups can be a powerful strategy for increasing the findability of your communities and making them easier to manage. To create or edit a community group, follow these steps: 

To access from the consumer perspective:

  1. Access the storefront link from your members’ area
  2. Within your members’ area, on the left side menu, click Groups
  3. Click Add Group. If you want to edit it, click on the 3 dots to the right of the product and then click “Edit”.
  4. Enter the group name
  5. Once finished, click Create Group
  6. That’s it! You’ve just created a group. Your new group will appear on the left sidebar.
  7. To add a community to the group, click on the 3 dots on the right of the desired community
  8.  Select Edit Community 
  9.  Under Community Groups, choose the group you want to add it to
  10.  Click Edit Community

To access using the platform:

  1. Access and log in to Hotmart using the link: https://app.hotmart.com/
  2. Click on My Products, on the left side menu
  3. Then, click Hotmart Club
  4. Within your members’ area, on the left side menu, click Groups
  5. Click Add Group. If you want to edit it, click on the 3 dots to the right of the product and then click “Edit”.
  6. Enter the group name
  7. Once finished, click Create Group
  8. That’s it! You’ve just created a group. Your new group will appear on the left sidebar.
  9. To add a community to the group, click on the 3 dots on the right of the desired community
  10. Select Edit Community 
  11.  Under Community Groups, choose the group you want to add it to
  12. Click Edit Community
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