Home Tools and integrationsWhat Automatic Lead Management (ListBoss) is and how to set it up

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What Automatic Lead Management (ListBoss) is and how to set it up


Automatic Lead Management (ListBoss) is a tool to help you organize leads. It allows Producers to integrate email marketing services directly to Hotmart’s platform.

After the integration is complete, depending on specific and predetermined actions (such as generating a bank payment slip or filling out information on the checkout), it’s possible to manage and move your leads within your email marketing provider, creating Automatic Segments for each product.

Check out some examples:

1st- When your lead is on the checkout at Hotmart, they execute the action of BUYING a certain product and this is APPROVED, you can, through the integration with Automatic Lead Management (ListBoss), add it automatically to a predetermined email list (segmentation) - for example, a list of "Buyers of Product X".

That way, every customer with approved purchases are automatically put on a specific list. Then, you can use that list to promote an upsell of your product, for example.

2nd - When your lead makes the purchase and chooses the PAYSLIP method, you can add them to a new list. That way, you can send reminders of the payslip payment. After all, people end up forgetting to pay it for several reasons. And this can help increase your conversion. After the person makes the purchase, you can use Automatic Lead Management (ListBoss) to add the lead to the list of buyers.

Segmentation options available


Purchase status:

  • Cart abandonment 
  • Bank slip issued
  • Purchase Approved
  • Purchase Overdue
  • Purchase Canceled
  • Purchase in chargeback
  • Purchase Expired
  • Order started - PayPal
  • Purchase Protested
  • Purchase Refunded

Form of access

  • Downloaded file

Hotmart Club

  • Free registration at Hotmart Club
  • Progress on the percentage of course completion
  • Fifteen days without logging in
  • Thirty days without logging in

Product rate

  • Your client has rated the product

Smart installments

  • Status change on smart installments
  • Subscription Status
  • Active
  • Overdue
  • Canceled by Administrator
  • Canceled by customer
  • Canceled by seller
  • Inactive
  • Initiated
  • Overdue

Obs: When you click on the information icon, you’ll see all the description of each event


  • Payment Method
  • Buyer’s Language
  • Purchase currency
  • Number of purchase installments
  • Offer
  • Buyer’s country
  • Recurrence status of smart installments

Attention: For the smart installments segment, the conditions will be defined by the selected status.

Attention 2: If any segment has an inconsistency in the analysis, it will not be possible to adjust settings. All existing segments that have inconsistencies will be flagged to be reviewed and edited by you.

To make the use of this tool easier, there are a number of email marketing services that have already been ratified within the Hotmart platform, that is, the API integration is ready, you just need to register to use it. These services that have been ratified are:

  • ActiveCampaign;
  • AWeber;
  • ConvertKit;
  • E-goi;
  • GetResponse;
  • HubSpot;
  • Keap (Infusionsoft);
  • Leadlovers;
  • MailChimp;
  • Mautic;
  • Ontraport;
  • RD Station;
  • Drip;
  • ZOHO;
  • MailingBoss.

All you need to do is integrate your account to the system in order to create your segmentation. If you haven’t integrated your provider to Hotmart, check out here how to do it.   

Setting Automatic Lead Management (ListBoss)

To set up Automatic Lead Management (ListBoss) to your product, take the following steps:

1. Access your account on the platform in the link: https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/login

2. On the left-side menu, click on Tools 

3. Select the option Automatic Lead Management (ListBoss)

4. Choose a product and click on Continue

5. After that, select your email marketing service

6. Integrate the provider to Hotmart

7. Click on create segmentation. 

8. On this window, simply inform the action executed, type and your preference list.

9. Check all the segments  information and click on save segmentation

10. Your segments will be created and shown on the main page of your Automatic Lead Management (ListBoss).

On this page, you can enable and disable your segmentations, edit them, send tests, and remove them.  

Segmentations with any incompatibility of integration will show an error alert. 

Resources of each provider

Some providers have specific actions that can make all the difference to your segmentation configuration.

For example, adding tags to a lead that still needs to be created: the vast majority of providers automatically create the lead at the time the add tag command is activated. However, there are some differences according to each provider:

  • Convertkit: This provider has the Add tag and Remove tag commands. To use the remove tag command, the lead must have been added via "add tag".
  • GetResponse: Has a command to add and remove the contact in the campaign.
  • Hubspot: Has the add contact and add contact to list commands. The second one creates a new contact if the lead’s email doesn’t exist in the provider yet.
  • LeadLovers: Has the add, move, and remove lead commands. The move and remove commands require an existing lead and therefore the add lead command must have been executed previously.

Some servers also allow you to send the payslip link by email to buyers. They are: Lead Lovers, Infusionsoft, RDStation, and Active Campaign.

In the case of E-goi, you can choose the option of form or Autobot, if you have it.

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