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What is a Sales Funnel and how do I set it up?

Sales Funnel is a feature on Hotmart that guides potential buyers from their first contact with your product or service, through the purchase process, and encourages them to explore additional products throughout their buying journey. Below, we’ve broken down everything you need to know about the Sales Funnel into sections:


What are the strategies for a Sales Funnel?

Common strategies used in a Sales Funnel include upsell, downsell, and cross-sell. Here’s a quick overview of each:

  • Upsell: Offering complementary products to customers after their initial purchase, without necessarily being more expensive than the original product.
  • Downsell: Persuading customers who declined an offer by providing a second opportunity with more attractive conditions.
  • Cross-sell: Combining elements of upsell and downsell to offer products based on the customer’s response to previous offers.


What should I know before setting up my Funnel?

Before you set up your Funnel, keep these tips in mind:

  • You must be the primary creator of the product to set up a Funnel. Affiliates, assistants, affiliate managers, and cocreators cannot set it up.
  • You need to have at least two products registered and available for sale on the platform.
  • The sales page for the first product (the "setup" product) can be either a Hotmart page or an external page. However, the sales pages for other products in the Funnel must be external.


How to set up the Sales Funnel?

  1. Log in to your Hotmart account at https://app.hotmart.com/
  2. In the left-side menu, select Tools, then Sales Funnel.
  3. To create your Funnel, click on New Funnel. This allows you to create a sequence of pages that guide customers based on their decisions during the purchase process.
  4. On the next screen, name your Funnel and select the product you want to focus on. Choose the specific offer for this product and enable the payment options you prefer (credit card payment is mandatory).
  5. Click Save to continue.


How to create the stages of my Funnel?

Once your Funnel is created, you can set up the sequences of product offers:

  1. On the main Sales Funnel page, find your Funnel and click on Actions, then Edit stages.
  2. Click the green Start button to create the next stage. Fill in the fields to define what the buyer sees next, then click Next.
  3. Set up the Yes or No options based on whether the buyer wants to continue in the Funnel.
  4. Add the call-to-action text (e.g., "Make purchase") and customize the button if desired. After finalizing, click Next.
  5. Define the text for when the buyer decides not to purchase and click Next.
  6. Preview the button and text. If you want to change them, just click the Go back option.
  7. If everything looks good, click Save to complete the setup.

Attention: The product selected in this window should be the product you want to guide the buyer to after purchasing the Setup product (initial product of the funnel).

The next step is to define what the following page of the Funnel will be: where you want to direct the buyer if they choose to purchase or not purchase your second product. You can create a new stage guiding them to a Thank You Page and finish the Funnel, or create as many stages as you wish:

  • If you choose to finish the funnel, simply create a new stage and select Yes in the Thank You Page.
  • If you choose to continue the Funnel, create new stages following the instructions above. After registering all the stages, you can view and edit them by clicking on the pencil icon.

Important: The final stages of the Funnel should guide the customer to a Thank You Page. To ensure that your flow has ended correctly, make sure the green and red buttons are not clickable. They should be grayed out.


How to add the Widget to my sales pages?

After setting up your Funnel stages, install the HTML code for the Sales Funnel Widget on your sales pages. This code displays the purchase decision buttons for each stage. Each stage has a unique Widget code.

To find the code:

  1. On each stage screen of your Funnel, click on the code icon (represented by </>).
  2. Copy the code and paste it into your external page.


How to activate my Sales Funnel?

Once you’ve completed all the steps, it’s time to activate your Funnel:

  1. On the Funnel stages page or the main screen where all your Funnels appear, toggle the switch from Disabled to Active in the top right corner.
  2. Done! To test your Funnel, make a test purchase (using a bank slip is recommended to avoid needing a refund). Once you click to download the bank slip, you’ll be directed to the next stage of the Funnel.

Remember, to test the Funnel properly, make sure to purchase the product through the configured offer.

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