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How to set up my chat on the checkout page

Support via chat can be a powerful tool to clear the last questions the customer might have and make a conversion.

Chat settings

To set it up, just follow the steps below:

1. Log in at Hotmart at https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/login

2. On the left-side menu select Products 

3. Click on I'm a Producer

4. Select the product you wish 

5. Click on Tools 

6. Click on Checkout Settings  

7. Scroll down until you find the option Online Chat Options

8. Select the option you wish and enter your Chat Code

Note: the code shouldn’t have any tag such as <script> or <iframe>.

9. Click on Save at the end of the page 

Specificities from each chat option


If you choose Zendesk’s chat, you should enter your domain, and not the application code.


To get the Chat Code of your HubSpot you need the Tracking code of the chat channel you want to use.

Your HubSpot chat channel Tracking code should look something like this:

<!-- Start of HubSpot Embed Code -->

<script type="text/javascript" id="hs-script-loader" async defer src="//js.hs-scripts.com/123456789.js"></script>

<!-- End of HubSpot Embed Code →

Your Chat Code is the number sequence contained in the code:


Important: you only need to copy the number sequence. Don’t copy other characters, as this will prevent the chat from appearing on your checkout page

Click here to learn more about HubSpot chat


If you choose Facebook’s chat, you should enter the Page ID, and not the application code.

To get your Page ID, follow the steps below:

  • Access the page you want and click on About 
  • Scroll down the page until you find your Page ID 
  • Enter your Page ID on the Hotmart platform
  • On the top right-hand-corner of your Facebook page, click on Settings 
  • From the sidebar, click on Messenger Platform 
  • Scroll down until you find the option Whitelisted Domains 
  • Enter the domains below:



  • Click on Save 
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