Home ReportsHow to set up automatic Hotmart reports to be sent

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How to set up automatic Hotmart reports to be sent

The automatic reporting feature allows Producers to configure reports to be automatically sent periodically to get the maximum information possible about their activities on the platform.  

Right now, you can access the following reports:


General Sales Report

This shows in detail the transactions that were made or updated during the selected period. This report contains buyer information, product name, whether it is a subscription, among other information.


Subscription Report

Lists all subscriptions made or updated in the selected period. This report contains information about the subscriber, subscription code, subscription status, etc.


Smart Installment Report

This contains all smart installment transactions that were created for the period you select. This report includes information about the buyer, the product, the date of the installment payment.


Subscription Renewal Summary

This report provides an overview of all paid renewals, unpaid renewals or expired invoices, cancellations, etc. The report includes the number of subscriptions made, the number of paid and unpaid renewals for late or expired invoices, cancellations, etc.

Look at this as just a summary report, that is, it shows only quantitative numbers, without further details.


Subscription Renewals in Detail

This is a detailed view of all information about subscriptions renewals. The report includes subscriber info, price and number of payments and payment status.

View this as an analytical report, that is, it gives a detailed view of subscription renewals, instead of showing only quantitative numbers.


New Subscriptions in Detail

Here, you have a detailed view of all of your new subscriptions. The report includes subscriber info, price and number of payments and payment status.

View this as an analytical report, that is, it gives a detailed view of new subscriptions, instead of showing only quantitative numbers.


Card subscriptions close to expiration

This report shows subscribers who have cards that are about to expire and are close to the next charge for their product subscription.

The report includes: subscribers with cards that are close to expiration and subscribers with cards that will be expired before the subscription renewal

Reasons for declining payments

This report provides an overview of the reasons for declining transactions, grouped by month and year, including the percentage of success. With it, you can get an idea of ​​the absolute and relative number of failed payments by type of refusal


Available report formats:

In .CSV format in the email registered with Hotmart

In .CSV format for other emails (the Producer must fill in the emails that should receive the reports)

In .JSON format for the URL(s) below (producer must fill in the URL(s))

Available intervals







Setting up Reports:

  1. Log in to the platform through the link https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/login
  2. In the side menu, click on Tools
  3. Select Sending Reports
  4. Configure the reports you want to receive
  5. Click Save

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