Home Product registration and managementHow to set up Online Services on the Hotmart platform

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How to set up Online Services on the Hotmart platform

On the Hotmart Platform, you can create an “Online Service,” a product that allows you to offer individual sessions to buyers. In addition, you can manage your schedule and session payments in one place.

Types of online services 

Health: individual online care for mental, physical, and family health

  • Online therapy and counseling;
  • Integrative medicine;
  • Personal training;
  • Nutrition counseling;
  • Couples therapy.

Education: individual lessons

  • Languages;
  • Music;
  • Public speaking.

Consulting: individual sessions 

  • Finance;
  • Business;
  • Digital marketing.

Coach & Mentorship: individual sessions

  • Personal growth;
  • Business.

Making appointments

  1. First, when creating a page for your product, you define your available hours.
  2. Next, you share the link to your sales page with potential customers.
  3. Customers select a time slot on the sales page.
  4. Then, they'll be redirected to the checkout page, where they can pay by credit card and even in installments.
  5. Customers can later refer you by sharing your page link, and, this way, you can build your authority in the market. 

And you can keep track of your appointments directly on the Hotmart platform. 


How to set up an Online Service

1 - Sign up for Hotmart or access your Hotmart account. 

2 - Click on Products and then Register Product

3 - Choose the Online Consulting Services format and fill in the information about your service.

In basic information, you must fill in:

  • Service name.
  • Description (share what the service is and how it will be carried out).
  • Language of the product.
  • Main country for sales.
  • Image.
  • Category.

Then, choose the format of your sessions

  • Single sessions or a package.
  • In case of package, the number of sessions in the package.
  • The frequency of the sessions (choose between weekly or biweekly; it cannot be monthly).
  • Max. length of each session.

Next, set the dates and times you'll be available to customers:

  • Days of the week that you'll offer the service.
  • Start and end time of your available schedule on those days.
  • Length of each session (ex: 1, 2, 3 hours...).
  • Time zone.
  • Block scheduling: block the dates you won’t be available to customers on your calendar.

After that, it's time to price your product:

  • Currency;
  • Guarantee period;
  • Payment method;
  • Price.

Next, you should share more details  about your service:

  • Click on product content (it's optional, but we highly recommend it, as it helps potential buyers better understand your service). 
  • Submit a file that proves your authority in this service and your commitment to providing it, e.g. a certification, diploma, contract template.

On the Sales Page, you'll select the information that will be shown to your buyers:

  • Service Name
  • Description
  • Benefits
  • Image
  • Video (optional)

Finally, you must complete your registration. To do so, on the Dashboard, click Save and Continue.

On this screen, you can add some notes that can help in the registration process and prove your authority in the service you’re going to provide.

How to request the buyer's phone number at the time of purchase?

To make it easier to communicate with your buyers, you can add a field for them to enter their phone number on your product's checkout page. To do that, watch the video below or follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Tools menu.
  2. Go to Checkout page settings.
  3. Go to Form options.
  4. Enable “Request buyer's phone number at the time of purchase.”
  5. Click save at the bottom of the page.

How to find the link to promote the page (Hotlink)

Once your product is available on the platform, you can share your page link with your buyers.

Just follow these steps:

  1. On the left-side menu, click on Products, and then I'm a creator
  2. Choose the service you want to promote
  3. Click on See Promotional Links 
  4. Copy the link from the Product Page and share it however you want!


  • Only available to creators in Brazil at the moment. And it’s not possible to set up recurring payments.
  • To change the price, it’s necessary to create a new product or click on pricing and offers - in the dots icon - edit and save.
  • Payment options available: Credit Card, Debit Card, Caixa Virtual Debit Card (exclusive for sales in Brazil, purchases up to BRL 1,000), Hotmart Account (payments with balance - only in Brazil), and 2 Credit Cards (except for sales in Mexico and Colombia).
  • The guarantee period for a service is 7 calendar days from the date and time the service was hired. That is, if a customer purchases a service scheduled for 20 days from now, the guarantee period will start on the day they purchased and scheduled the service.
  • Once the product is registered, the session type (single or pack) cannot be edited.
  • You cannot use this service in a Sales Funnel or Order Bump.
  • Buyers need to schedule the session on the Sales Page of your product at Hotmart. Then, they'll be taken to the checkout page.
  • Only the available session times for the next 30 days from the current date will be displayed on the sales page.
  • When buyers select a time, that slot will be reserved for 15 minutes for that buyer to complete the purchase.
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