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How to use Hotmart App

Hotmart is an app where you can create paid communities, have access to the Hotmart Members Area, use integrated payment solutions and much more.

To start using the app, just follow the steps below:

1 - Download Hotmart App from your phone's app store - App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android)

2 - Log in with the same email and password used on the Hotmart platform or Sign up to create a new account.

On the app's home screen, you will have quick access to various information.


In it, you will see the communities you are following, the most recent posts,  notifications (bell icon), the QR Code reader (top left) and the bottom menu with the main Hotmart Appshortcuts.

In Post, you can create publications in the communities you have created, or in the communities you follow and are allowed to post in. Posts can include texts, audios, photos, videos and also external links.


In Products, you can view all the purchases you’ve made at Hotmart. If you have more than one product in your account, just swipe left or right and tap on the course you want to access.


In Profile, you can find your information such as photo and description, in addition to seeing all the communities you have created and also those you are following.


See how simple it is? If you have any questions, you can access our Help Center!

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