Setting up Bulk Actions in the Affiliate Program
To edit these settings, you must:
1- Click on Tools and then on Affiliate Program. Another alternative is to access Products, on the left side, click on I'm a Producer, then on Edit and on Affiliate Program.
In addition to the basic options (related to commission and promotion) and advanced options, you should configure Affiliates and Settings separately.
You can also analyze the specific Affiliate listing for a product, select Affiliates by sales number filters, leads, clicks and achievements. It’s also possible to take bulk actions related to the results obtained, such as giving a special commission, canceling affiliation and enabling access to buyers' information.
In Settings, you can choose the affiliation rule, commissioning, promotion, period for commission attribution to affiliates via cookies and HotLeads, in addition to affiliation bonuses.
If you have any questions or problems regarding this procedure, please contact our Customer Support. Our team is ready to help you!