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What are campaign parameters?

Campaign parameters are text snippets that you insert into your URL to track where your visitors and buyers are coming from. That is, they allow you to understand the behavior of your audience and see which advertising strategies are attracting the most visits and purchases for your product.


How can they help with my sales strategy?

For example: suppose that, for your strategy, you create three ads with different content on Facebook and three ads on Google. With the campaign parameters, it’s possible to find out how many visitors or how many purchases these ads are generating on your site, and with that, you'll be able to see which ad is working best.

The parameters also work if you post a link on a Facebook campaign and another in an email marketing campaign. In any case, you can track how many people have visited your site through each one.

The best thing about them is that...

With this information you'll be able to track the performance of your campaigns and, instead of continuing to invest equally in the ads, you'll be able to redirect your money to the ad that has the best performance.

And there’s more!

Campaign parameters are also a great way to classify and organize your ads, which also helps when performing A/B testing and developing an increasingly personalized sales strategy.


What parameters can I use?

It's up to you! You can choose the parameters that work best for your business and use them according to your strategy. See their meaning below:

  • UTM Campaign - Identifies your ads per campaign created. Here you can see which campaigns have the best results.
  • UTM Content - Helps you track which content, image, or Call To Action (CTA) is working best to attract your buyers. Was it the picture of the dog or the cat that most attracted your audience?
  • UTM Medium - Shows you which means of communication and type of media is being most effective: social media, Cost per Click, or banner?
  • UTM Source - Identifies which channel has brought in traffic. Was the ad my client saw featured on Google or Twitter?
  • UTM Term - Allows you to identify which registered keyword was used to get to your product.

More information on the parameters...

When you set up different parameters, you can combine them in your analysis to run your numbers. For example: did the second version of my copy work best on the email marketing campaign or Facebook?

See a practical example of a UTM: 

Context: Let's say you run a campaign on Facebook to promote your website and you want to track that specific campaign to measure how much you spent and what was the return on that campaign. The link to get this result would be something like this:


If you prefer, you can go with a simpler analysis by using the SRC and SCK parameters.

Learn more about the SRC and SCK parameters!


How can I check the results of campaigns that use UTM parameters?

You can see all the information tracked by the parameters on Hotmart Analytics, our data analysis tool designed exclusively for Digital Producers.

There you can create a segmentation for each parameter you use and see how many visitors got to your site through each ad, or even, how many purchases were made and much more.


Easily Access Hotmart Analytics

Just login to your Hotmart account and click on the left side menu, Sales > Sales Management > Analytics. The Hotmart Analytics page will open with all your business information!

Haven't used Hotmart Analytics yet? Find out how here.

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