Home My affiliate programWhat are alternative and dynamic sales pages and how to enable them?

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What are alternative and dynamic sales pages and how to enable them?

Alternative Pages

When you create a product on our platform, you can enable the “Alternative Sales Pages” tool. The Alternative Sales Page is a tool made available by Hotmart that allows setting up many different sales pages for a single product. This tool allows different sales strategies to be used and has the following advantages:

  • The option of promoting the content of articles, interviews, and videos of the author, without the need to mention the product itself. This means that customers are impacted by quality content without mentioning the sale of a digital product at any time.
  • If an affiliate is close to a creator, the former can set up their affiliate domain as a dynamic page. The affiliate can create content on their blog and promote it to their customers, with the cookies already included. This means that the content generated by the affiliate on their website will install the product’s cookies.

To set up this tool:

  1. Log in to your Hotmart account: https://www.hotmart.com/login
  2. You can access your alternative page in one of two ways:
    a) On the left-side menu, select PRODUCTS

Click on “I’m a creator”

Next, select the desired product and click on Promotional links (Hotlinks) > Additional Links

        b) Click on Tools in the side menu

Click on Alternative Pages

Next, select the product and click on Continue

  1. To create an alternative page on the new screen, just click the button Create additional link in the top-right corner of the screen
  2. Set it up as you wish and click on Save to save your settings
  3. That’s it! You now have a new Promotional Link (Hotlink) which can be used for promotion!

The links can be found in the Products menu under Promotional Links > Additional Links. The links will be visible to all of your affiliates. 

You can copy and paste the link into your browser to check if it's redirecting properly. If you need to make any changes, click on Edit.

We believe that by using this tool, both creators and affiliates can develop more effective sales strategies!


Alternative Dynamic Pages

Through dynamic pages, affiliates have the freedom to create a Promotional Link (HotLink) for themselves through a domain authorized by the creator. In other words, affiliates can turn any content (posts, videos, images) from sites authorized by creators into personalized Promotional Links (HotLinks). This means having dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of free pieces of content generated by creators to be used in different affiliate campaigns.

To register alternative pages, the creator needs to access the Tools page again and click the option Dynamic Alternative Pages 

  1. On the Promotional Links (Hotlinks) > Other channels, just click on Make domain available to create a dynamic page.
  2. Then, type the URL of the desired page and click Save and your link will already be available

The URLs used in Alternative Pages and Alternative Dynamic pages need to be valid, otherwise the process won’t be concluded.

Check out our posts for more information about alternative pages:  

How to Use Alternative Pages to Sell More

Hotmart has made it possible to create alternative sales pages!

How to Create Sales Pages Focused on Conversion


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