Home Sales management and strategiesHow to use the Sales Recovery Tool for Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX

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How to use the Sales Recovery Tool for Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX

The Sales Recovery Tool for Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX is an alternative for sales recovery.

It’s important to mention that this modality does not replace the existing Automatic Sales Recovery Tool. It works as an additional strategy in the recovery of customers who cannot pay in cash or don’t have a credit card. Keep reading to learn how it works and how to activate it!

How does it work?

To use Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX as a recovery tool, you’ll need to create a new offer for your product and make the Sales Recovery Tool for Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX option available as a payment method.

Payment can be divided in up to 12 installments using Payment Slips or PIX (transfers), and you set the maximum number of installments, which can vary from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 12 installments.

Rules for using Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX:

  • The settings are only available for single-payment products. Installment plans for e-tickets, online services, or subscription type products, are not possible.
  • The Installment Payments with PIX are only available for creators with a Brazilian account, with offers in Brazilian Real, and buyers in Brazil.
  • The recurrences created will always be monthly and the customization of the price of the installments isn’t possible, nor is it possible to change the payment method later from PIX to Payment Slip or from Payment Slip to PIX.
  • All installments will be billed with the same payment method and installment payments will be emailed to your buyers on a monthly basis until all are paid.
  • With this payment method, there might be a risk of default. In this case, Hotmart automatically removes access when the content is distributed by our tools.
  • The type of payment continues to be either Bank Payment Slip or PIX, i.e. the same rules for withdrawing the value of sales via Bank Payment Slip and PIX are maintained (2 days after payment confirmation of the Payment Slip or PIX).
  • Whenever you use Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX in your strategies, it’s necessary to pay attention to the management of installments to avoid buyer default. Tip: With our automated contact management solution (Listboss), you can automate this process and send emails to buyers reminding them about payments. If you prefer, you can manage it manually through the Sales Management Dashboard, where you can check your users’ status and, if necessary, issue new payment slips to send to buyers who have outstanding payments. 

How can I activate the Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX?

It’s activated manually. To do so, you, the creator, need to create a specific offer to make the Installment Payment by Payment Slip or PIX available as the only payment method.

The offer should be made available by creators, to their buyers, according to their strategy, but we recommend using it as a sales recovery strategy.

Setting up the Sales Recovery Tool for Payment Slip or PIX installment plans

Learn the steps to create an offer for sales recovery with Payment Slip installments:

  1. Go to Hotmart
  2. On the left side menu, click on Products > I’m a creator and select the product you want to create the offer to include the Sales Recovery Tool Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX 
  3. In the product’s settings, go to the Pricing and Offers menu
  4. Click the New Price button
  5. In settings, select the Brazilian Real currency, and afterwards, the Recovery of sales by Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX option will be available as a payment method
  6. Enter the price and the maximum number of installments
  7. Read the text box carefully, confirm, and save the offer


How will the purchase process via Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX work for my buyers?

When you, as the creator, choose to be paid by means of this payment method, the buyer can pay by using Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX.


Checkout page rules and access to content for your buyers:

  • Buyers must fill in their name, email, phone number, and CPF (individual taxpayer number) to proceed with the purchase.
  • Buyers can select the number of installments they wish to pay according to the settings you defined.
  • On the checkout page, we highlight the payment method chosen for the purchase, how the next installments to be paid will be sent, and the importance of completing the payment regardless of the duration of the content.
  • At the end of the purchase, the payment slip or PIX QR code of the first installment to be paid will be made available, according to the chosen payment option.
  • The content will be released after approval of the payment of the first installment (remembering that the period for the recognition of the Payment Slip can be up to 3 business days after confirmation of payment).
  • For Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX offers, name, email, phone number, and CPF (individual taxpayer number) information is required.
  • The buyer loses access to the content 3 days after any installment is due.
  • It is mandatory to be 100% compliant with the installment payments to have access to the content.
  • The monthly installments will be sent by email every month until all installments are paid.
  • It’s also important to remember that there’s a possibility of default and, in this case, Hotmart automatically removes access when the content is distributed by our tools.

Tracking the results of your sales made via Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX

You can do this in the following manner:

  1. Log in to Hotmart at https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/
  2. On the left side menu, click Sales
  3. Then on Overview
  4. Click the Sales Recovery tab

You can view several relevant information, such as:

  • The number of payment charges to be made on each purchase
  • The total amount of the purchase and the amount of each monthly payment
  • The billing status of each purchase
  • Whether there are overdue payments, among other information

When exporting the report, new information will be available, such as:

  • Date of refund (if any)
  • Next billing date
  • Contact phone number (if informed by the buyer at the time of purchase)
  • Whether there are payment charges to be made for each purchase

Remember that the results can be exported in XLS and CSV.

Rules for the tracking of results

It is possible to resubmit overdue installments.

To do so, simply follow the step-by-step instructions below:

  1. Go to Hotmart
  2. On the left side menu, click Sales
  3. Then click Overview
  4. Click the Sales Recovery tab
  5. Apply the filters by period, transaction code, or buyer email, among others
  6. Once located, click the Actions button (3 dots)
  7. Click Details and Actions again
  8. Click on Create Payment Slip, it will be sent automatically to the buyer's email

How do I cancel a sale via  Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX and stop charging buyers?

  1.  Go to Hotmart
  2. On the left side menu, click Sales
  3. Then, click Overview
  4. Click the Sales Recovery tab
  5. Apply filters by period, transaction code, or buyer email, among others
  6. Once located, click the Actions button (3 dots)
  7. Click Details and Actions again
  8. Click Cancel

How to make withdrawals of purchases made via Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX

Unlike sales made by credit card, in which you, the creator, can withdraw the full amount of the commissions, the withdrawal of sales made via Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX will be made monthly.

Remember that you can only make withdrawals after the payment is made. For example, the buyer pays the installment for May and you withdraw this amount. Then, they pay the installment for June and you withdraw this amount. Always respecting the withdrawal period of 2 days after the approval of the payment slip.

Q&A about the general rules

1. How does the recovery of sales using Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX work?

The operation is similar to a subscription plan paid by Bank Payment Slip or PIX. Every month, a new transaction will be generated in the amount of the installment.


2. What happens in case of default?

Regarding the buyers' default, the creator assumes and is fully responsible for this risk.


3. How do refunds work?

Buyers may request a refund of the product’s payment within the warranty period for the 1st payment made.


4. How do cancellations work?

Buyers cannot cancel future charges (as with a subscription product), but might not pay them.


In this case, the buyer will be in default. Furthermore, the buyer may have the overdue installments canceled, and it will no longer be possible to generate new installments. Refunds of paid installments will not be made either, and reactivating this purchase will not be possible.


5. How do buyers access the content?

In order for buyers to access the content, their payments need to be up to date. In other words, if any installment hasn’t been paid, regardless of whether or not it’s the last, their access will be suspended.


6. Is it possible to resend payment slips or PIX codes?

Yes, it’s possible. If any payment is overdue, the creator can resend the Payment Slip or PIX through the platform, and the buyer will receive it by email.


7. How are invoices issued for products paid via Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX?

Invoices will be issued for each recurrence charged.


8. Is it possible to apply a discount coupon to a purchase paid via Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX?

Yes, purchases made using a discount coupon will be eligible for installment payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX, as long as the coupon is properly set up for such an offer.


9. Will interest be charged to Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX?

No. The installments do not incur interest. The amount charged for the installments is calculated based on the price of the offer and the number of installments.


10. How do sales by Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX work with affiliates?

Sales made via Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX that are associated with affiliates will have commissions assigned to them until all installments have been billed, regardless of whether the affiliation is canceled during this period.


11. How do sales via Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX work with cocreators?

In the case of cocreators, creators must set up whether they want cocreators to continue receiving commissions relative to these sales, even after the end of the contract.


12. What currencies can I use for sales recovery using Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX?

The Sales Recovery Tool using Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX is exclusive for prices created in Brazilian Real (BRL) currency.

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