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What is the Sales Management feature on the Hotmart platform?

If you want to boost sales of a digital product, you need to constantly track your numbers, including sales made and lost sales.

To help you access this essential information quickly, we’ve created a feature called Sales Management, where you can quickly access the main information about your sales.

With a few clicks, you know whether your sales strategy is working.

How do I find Sales Management on the platform?

To find the section, just click on this link or follow the step-by-step instructions below:

  1. Click here to access Hotmart
  2. Click on “Sales” in the left menu
  3. Click on “Sales Management”



On the left side of the dashboard, you’ll find two pieces of information:

  • Sales: The number of sales made, i.e. your gross revenue (the sum of all sales without deducting fees). The sales are filtered by type of currency.
  • Lost Sales: The number of transactions that weren’t converted into sales. In Lost Sales, you have quick access to the sales details by clicking on Go to Lost Sales.

And by clicking Discover how to recover lost sales, we make your path to the Hotmart Sales Recovery tools easy, which you can already start using.


  • Gross revenue: the total amount generated by a company through its products. 
  • Net revenue: the result of gross sales after fees and taxes. It’s what appears in the "My commission" report. 



  • The data always corresponds to the last 7 days. If you want to view another period and further details about the transactions, go to the Reports section on the right side of the same screen.
  • If you haven’t made any sales yet, the section will not display any data.

You can also check the sales made and lost through the reports! Access the reports through this link.

On the right side of the dashboard, in the Sales Management section, you can quickly access the following sections:

  • My Sales: Transaction details, such as status (e.g., awaiting payment, purchase approved, chargeback, etc.) and your product’s recovered sales. Also, check information about your buyers.
  • Balance: Balance available for withdrawal and details of the withdrawals you’ve already made. Check your statement, history of withdrawals and prepayments.
  • Receipts: Affiliate commission receipts, both those sent by you, as well as those received from Affiliates.
  • Refunds: Refund requests, status, and available actions.
  • Subscriptions: Subscription management showing what is in effect, new and canceled subscriptions. Besides recommending tools to automate the billing process.
  • Strategies: Recommended strategies that adapt to what your digital product needs now.
  • Affiliations: Details of your Affiliates and the management of affiliation applications.
  • Reports: Results from your digital business through reports, such as payment methods, revenue per device, purchase recovery, detailed product revenue, performance of promoted products, and much more.
  • Analytics: A tool for Producers to find new information about their business and identify which strategies, pages, and audiences yield the best results.
  • Recover sales: Quick access to recovery tools to rescue sales that would otherwise be lost
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