Home Subscription managementHow to enable a trial or payment in installments for a secondary offer

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How to enable a trial or payment in installments for a secondary offer

Those with a subscription product have two options for creating a new plan: set up a payment in installments and a trial period.

When creating a plan, the Producer enters a price that automatically becomes the main offer and all settings in the plan apply to it. This includes installment payments and the trial period.

However, when the producer creates a new offer or coupon for a plan that already exists, these same settings could not be applied to them. They are what we call secondary offers.

Each plan can have more than one offer and it is possible to enable both the installment plan and the trial period when creating a new offer or editing an existing offer.

Take a look at the steps:

  1. Access your Hotmart account on the link: https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/login
  2. In the side menu, click on the option I'm a Producer and choose the product
  3. On the internal product menu, select Offers and Coupons
  4. Click Create Offer
  5. Complete the requested information. Important: you must link the offer to at least one plan. Do this in the option Apply discount on plans.
  6. If you want to enable the trial period click on Enable  trial period for this offer
  7. If you want to enable the trial period click on Enable installments for this offer
  8. Then, click Save.


If you want to change an offer that already exists, just:

  1. Access your Hotmart account on the link: https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/login
  2. In the side menu, click on the option I'm a Producer and choose the product
  3. In the internal product menu, select Offers and Coupons
  4. Select the offer you want, after making sure it’s not a main offer, to do this, check the first column "Main Offer" in the table on the screen and click on the three dots on the right side.
  5. Choose to Edit.
  6. If you want to allow the trial period click on Enable trial period for this offer
  7. If you want to enable the trial period click on Enable installments for this offer
  8. Then, click Save.


  • It is not possible to set up the number of installments of the secondary offer, as it will be equal to the number of installments in the plan. The same goes for trial days.
  • If you’d like to change these numbers, you need to modify the settings directly on the edit screen of the plan associated with the offer.
  • For the options to enable an installment payment and trial period to be shown, you must first link the offer to at least one plan.

Other information about the installment payment option

  • It is possible to offer installments payments only to subscription plans with payment frequency greater than monthly (bimonthly, quarterly, semiannual, annual). The charging limit is always one installment per month. That is, a bimonthly plan has the limit of installments in up to 2 times, the quarterly in up to 3 times, the biannual in up to 6 times and the annual in up to 12 times.
  • The buyer’s currency and form of payment must accept installment payments. The currencies that are currently accepted are Brazilian Real (BRL), Mexican Peso (MXN) and Colombian Peso (COP).
  • The minimum value of each installment will always be respected to stipulate the number of installments that will be available, based on the total value that the Producer binds to the offer and the plan.


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