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How to create discount coupons for my product?

Discount coupons enable you to create promotional offers and discounts for the same product.

You can send the coupon to all your clients or choose which client base will get to use the discount.  

You can also share the coupon with all your Affiliates or you can create a coupon for a specific Affiliate.

Still have questions? Check out this tutorial:

Setting the coupon:

In order to set your coupons, you have to:

1. Access your Hotmart account through the link: https://www.hotmart.com/login

2. On the sidebar, click on the option Products 

3. Select I´m a Creator

4. Choose a product and click on Edit

5. On the product’s internal menu select Coupons 

6. Click on Create Coupon 

7. Adjust settings for your coupon

In the first field, enter the name of the coupon. This is the code your buyer will use at checkout. So, create something a simple name, for example: BLACKFRIDAY.

Then, decide on the percentage of discount to be applied.

You can determine the beginning and end date the coupons will be valid through, while also determining the time zone in which the rules will be applied.   

You can also offer unique coupons for specific Affiliates. To do this, enable this option and select the desired Affiliate. In this case, the coupon will always assign the commission to the selected Affiliate, regardless of who promotes it.

Attention: The coupon may be set for one Affiliate at a time, it’s not possible to select more than one Affiliate for the same coupon.

Lastly, you can choose if you’d like to enable the coupon to all of the products offers or only some of them.

8. Save the coupon and it’s ready to use!

PS: Don’t worry, if you’ve created the coupon attached to an offer (like it used to be), it’ll still be valid.

Enabling the Coupon in your Checkout

So that your buyers can enter a discount coupon at the moment of purchase, you must enable that option on your checkout.

To do so, simply:

1. Access the product

2. Click on Tools

3. Click on Payment Settings

4. On the bottom of the page look for Form Options

5. Enable the Show an 'Enter Coupon' option

Managing the coupons you created:

To follow up on the coupons that were already created, just access the product again and on the internal menu choose “Coupons”.

The "status" shows if a coupon has expired or not, considering the duration it was set to remain active. In case it’s attributed to a specific Affiliate, the user’s name will appear on the “Affiliate” column.

Your Affiliate who was attached to the coupon will be able to locate it by accessing the Hotlinks connected to that product” This is the code he should promote to offer the advertised discount.  

On top of that, there are 3 options on the right corner of the coupon that allow the Producer to respectively, copy the coupon code, view details, and remove coupon.  

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