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How to set up the AdWords pixel

  • The Google Ads Pixel is a tool with two kinds of trackings: remarketing and conversion. With Hotmart, you can apply the pixel to your HotLinks, making it easy to track the trajectory of your clients.

    Settings on Google Ads: Remarketing

    The remarketing tracking is used to show your ads to people who have visited your website. This means that when someone enters the checkout of a product you’re related (where your tracking code is inserted), whether as a Producer or Affiliate, Google will target this user to show your ads on every device that identifies them.

    You can understand more about this tool on this Google web page.

    To set up this resource, follow the steps below:

    1. Log in to Ads

    2. Click on the tools icon

    3. In Shared Library, click on Target Audience Manager

    4. On the left side click on Target audience sources

    Você verá um conjunto de origens com as quais é possível criar listas de remarketing. You’ll see a set of origins you can use to create remarketing lists with.

    5. On the card “Google Ads Tag”, click on SET UP TAG.

    If you’ve already set up a tag, select Edit origin on the 3 dot icon on the upper right corner of the card “Google Ads Tag”. If you just want the code, skip to stage 6.

    If you haven’t set up a tag yet, you can choose from a standard audience (a list with all the users who got to the page with the remarketing tracking) or specific parameters from customized ads based on the user activity (for example: Users who visited the page my-website.com/my-page.html).

    Creating these lists varies according to the goal and the business of each Ads user.

    6. Click on SAVE AND CONTINUE.

    7. When the installation screen comes up, the global tag of the website and the event snippet will be ready to be used. You can copy the code, use the Tag Manager, download the tag or send it by email to a webmaster.

    8. Copy the number and follow the steps to set up on Hotmart’s platform. If you have any other questions on how to set up the remarketing, check this article.

    Setup on Google Ads: Conversion

    The conversion tracking, as the name suggests, measure the conversions (Hotmart sales) and it can tell Producers or Affiliates how much return their expenses with campaigns are bringing.

    Learn more about conversion tracking on this Google page.

    To set up this feature, follow the steps below:

    1. On Ads, click on the Tools icon

    2. Click on Conversions

    3. Click the icon with the + symbol

    4. Among the conversion types you wish to track, select Website

    5. Name the conversion and set up according to your business.

    On your conversion settings, among the options to customize category and amount, choose Purchase/Sale and Use different values for each conversion, respectively.

    6. Just like the remarketing tracking, you need to extract parameters to be added to Hotmart. They are the conversion ID and the conversion label.

    The conversion ID is the same as the remarketing script:

    Therefore, if you already set up the first one, just extract the conversion label. You’ll find it on the following parameter:

    Hotmart Configurations

    The Hotmart platform is evolving to make navigation even easier. 

    Important: This change is being made gradually. Some people may see a change in how they access products and tools, while for others, it's not available at the moment.

    I'll teach you the steps for the current platform and the new one, okay? 

    1. Log in here https://app.hotmart.com/tools;  
    2. Find the Tracking Pixel option; 
    3. Select the Product and click on Google Ads;
    4. Enter the pixel ID and the conversion label in the field underneath, and then click on continue. 

    Tracking template: 

    When creating the ad in Google Ads, in the final URL field, enter the product's sales page. It will be where the user will be redirected after clicking on your link. In the follow-up field, enter your Hotlink.



    To access your Hotlink, simply access the platform and in the side panel click on Products > My Products > I am an affiliate > Click on the chain icon (Promotional links) below the chosen product  > Choose the link and click copy.



    To access your Hotlink, simply access the platform and on the side panel click on Products > My Products > I'm a creator > Click on the chain icon (Promotional links) below the chosen product  > Choose the link and click copy.

    For example: 

    Final URL: https://cursostesteteste.com/?ref=L5TTESTES93S

    Tracking template: https://go.hotmart.com/L5TTESTES93S

    That way, you’ll generate the cookie that tracks your affiliation and ensure that you’ll receive the commission for the sale!

    Google's platform requires this for greater safety for users, since they can be sure that your link really points to where you said it would!


    Unverified tag on Google:

    On Google, "Unverified" means that there have been no sales/conversions, even with the configuration performed correctly. This verification will only occur after the first conversion.

     When a real sale occurs, this tag will be verified automatically, and the status will change in the Google Ads campaign.


  •  [Update]

    Currently, a Google Chrome plugin provided by Google and Facebook makes it possible to verify the full functioning of your Pixels. Cool, right? 

    Note: Due to technical details of how the Hotmart payment page integrates with pixels, the mentioned plugins may not work well on the Thank You page. But you can rest assured that the events are being sent.

    The events are:

    Tag Assistant (Google)

    This is a resource to resolve issues related to the installation of various Google tags, including Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Ads Conversion Tracking, and others.

    When using Tag Assistant, you can browse any page and find out which tags are present on each of them, report errors, and suggest improvements.

    You can also use Google Tag Assistant Recording to record a user's flow through your website and instantly validate, diagnose, and resolve issues with the implementation of Google Analytics.


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