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How to set up the InfusionSoft pixel

The InfusionSoft pixel sends information that identify the user’s computer (browser, browser version, active plugins and others). This information can be anonymous, when the user is accessing a page with a code and has no relation with the contacts list on InfusionSoft or identified, when the user has already performed an action of the infusion (form submit, for example), and, therefore, has a cookie generated on this interaction that identifies her on the contacts list.

The pixel will inject the InfusionSoft tracking code only within Hotmart’s pages (internal sales page, checkout, thank you pages), where it is hoped that the lead has already become a contact of the Producer, therefore, it is not anonymous.

Setup on the InfusionSoft platform

The first step is to know your InfusionSoft account name. This name is shown on the profile menu:

Setting up on the Hotmart platform

Login to your Hotmart account through the link: https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/login

2. On the left side menu, select Tools 

3. Click on Conversion Tracking Pixel 

4. Choose the product to which you want to integrate the InfusionSoft pixel and click Continue

5. Click the option InfusionSoft 

6. Provide the name of your InfusionSoft account and click Save

From now on, the Producer can activate marketing campaigns automations through this code.

Example: an identified lead buys your product and is directed to the thank you page.

Automatically, she is going to be included on a campaign (that was duly setup). The same will happen on the checkout page. There are countless possible uses and this varies according the user’s knowledge about the InfusionSoft tool.

Creation of campaign activated by page view

On the InfusionSoft platform, click the icon located on the top left corner of the page. On the tab “Marketing”, select the option “Campaign Builder”.

2. On the next page, click the green button, “Create a Campaign”.

3. Drag the icon “Web Page Automation” to the diagram and click twice.

4. You’ll need to follow the two steps that open on the next window.

The first (1. “Copy the following code…”) can be ignored, once your InfusionSoft integration with Hotmart has already been performed on our platform (according it was oriented on “Settings on the Hotmart platform”).

Now, the second step needs to be taken. There you’ll provide the page(s) where you want the events to be captured.

Notice that, on the example image, the URL is px.hotmart.com/infusionsoft/purchase.html. This is the URL where the tracking code will be inserted. In other words, this URL refers to Hotmart’s thank you page.

For the campaign to be setup properly, you need to understand that, for each page where the pixel is installed, there’s a different URL.

On Hotmart’s case the URLs are:

  1. Referral (internal sales page) - px.hotmart.com/px/infusionsoft/referral.html
  2. Checkout (Hotmart’s checkout) - px.hotmart.com/px/infusionsoft/checkout.html
  3. Purchase (thank you page) - px.hotmart.com/px/infusionsoft/purchase.html

The example above shows one of the possibilities presented by setting up the InfusionSoft pixel. The setup will depend on the Producer’s strategy!

If you have more questions regarding this pixel, access InfusionSoft’s Help Center

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