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How to reactivate a subscription

At Hotmart, creators have complete freedom to manage their products from end to end. If the product is a Subscription, in addition to canceling this subscription, within the Subscription Management tab, creators can also reactivate or reactivate and charge a canceled subscription.*

But wait! There’s a difference between reactivate and reactivate and charge.

Keep reading this article to understand the difference between both options and how they work. 

First, it's necessary to understand that there are two types of scenarios: if the reactivation will be performed within the same billing cycle as the cancellation or if it’s outside the billing cycle of the cancellation.

  • Within the same billing cycle as the cancellation

In a monthly cycle example, the path to reactivate or reactivate and charge is the same. This is when the reactivation occurs before the next recurrence is charged, in which case there is no change in the billing cycle.

In the above scenario, the charge would look like this:

- Recurring billing date: 10th of each month;

- Subscription canceled on April 15;

- Subscription reactivated on April 20;

- Date of the next charge is still May 10.

  • Outside the cancellation billing cycle

When the reactivation occurs outside the cancellation billing cycle, it means that there is no possibility of having any payments still valid. In a monthly cycle example, the path to reactivate or reactivate and charge is different. In this case, the charge would look like this:

  • Reactivate (charge will be made in the month following the renewal date):

- Recurring billing date: 10th of each month;

- Subscription canceled on April 15;

- Subscription reactivated on May 20 (after billing date, if there was no cancellation);

- Next charge: June 20.

  • Reactivate and charge (new charge will be made on the day of reactivation):

- Charge day: 10;

- Subscription canceled on April 15;

-  Subscription reactivated on May 20;

- Next charge: June 20.

Now take a look at the step-by-step guide on how to reactivate or reactivate and charge your subscriptions: 

  1. Log into Hotmart;
  2. In the left-side menu, click on Sales and then on Subscriptions;
  3. Check the subscription you want to reactivate or reactivate and charge;
  4. If you have selected only one Subscription, click on the three dots and choose the item “Details”. In the modal that will appear, select reactivate or reactivate and charge. Remember that the options will be in the same place, just choose what you want to do with the respective selected subscription;
  5. If you have selected more than one Subscription above, click on Bulk Actions and select reactivate or reactivate and charge. Remember that the options will be in the same place, just choose what you want to do with the respective selected subscription;
  6. Finally click Yes on confirmation and that's it! 


For a subscription to be reactivated or reactivated and charged, the subscriber must accept the reactivation. To do so, the creator will need to send a reactivation request and wait for the subscriber to accept.

How will subscribers receive the request?

Subscribers will receive an email with a link, valid for three days, to accept or reject the reactivation in question.

Do you need to talk to us?

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