Home Members area (Hotmart Club)What are the roles I can assign in the Members Area (Hotmart Club)?

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What are the roles I can assign in the Members Area (Hotmart Club)?

Just like in the Collaborators Center, the Hotmart Members Area allows you to register profiles with permissions so that other people can help you in managing your Members Area if you wish.

For each role, there are specific permissions. They are:

  • Moderator: is the role to help you coordinate all comments that are posted in your Members Area. This role allows access to the community and to view content.
  • Content Editor: it is the role for those who help you to elaborate or manage the content of your course. This role allows access to editing and viewing your course content.
  • Administrator: this role is very similar to the role of the Producer in the Members Area. All menu options will be available to the administrator, with the exception of downloading videos hosted on our Streaming.
  • Student: is allowed to view the content and participate in the community, writing new topics and responding to comments from other students. The student can edit their own comments.

Setting up roles

To change the role of any user in Hotmart Club, follow the steps below:

1. Click the Access Course Management button  

2. In the side menu, click Users

3. Choose the desired user and click on their name

4. At the top of the page go to Role choose one of the four options 

5. Click on the role you want to assign to the user, and that’s it!


Important: The Collaborator Center allows others to access some pre-established information from your account to help you with the task of managing your product. If an employee accesses Hotmart Club via the Collaborators Center, they’re actually using his own account and not the producer's account.

If your moderator, content editor or administrator is not yet part of your Members Area, you must import them manually.


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