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How to set up the Taboola pixel

Taboola is a content referral tool in news websites. It operates recommending articles based on recent searches made by the users.

If you use Taboola, you can integrate it to Hotmart to keep track of audience and conversion pixels for each product you have!

The audience pixel is used to make lists of leads that can later be used to direct campaigns.

The conversion pixel, on the other hand, captures actions from users that clicked on your campaigns so you learn about the behavior of users that generated costs (clicks) and measure the return on investment rate in the ad. With the tool update, the conversion pixel now works in an event format.

The events created are:

  1. For a user that gets to the checkout page: hotmart_checkout_<ID Produto>
  2. For a user that makes a purchase: hotmart_purchase_<ID Produto>

Setting up the Conversion Pixel at Taboola

To set up the Taboola pixel at Hotmart, follow the steps below:

1.  Sign in to your Taboola account

2. From the Taboola Pixel menu, click on Conversions 

3. Click on New Conversion

4. Select the type Event

5. On Based On, select the type Custom

6. Enter a name and the value.

7. On the field Event Name enter hotmart_purchase_<idProduct*

*corresponding to the product ID you wish to keep track of

8. On category, choose Purchase.

After this setup, the conversions will start to be calculated. According to Taboola’s documentation, the data may take up to 20 minutes to be updated, so in case of tests, take this into consideration.

Setting up the Audience Pixel at Taboola

1. Log in to your Taboola account

2. From the Taboola Pixel menu, click on Audiences 

3. Click on New Custom Audience

4. Select the type Event

5. On Based On, select the type Custom

6. Enter a name and the value

7. On the field Event Name enter hotmart_purchase_<idProduto*

*corresponding to the product ID you wish to keep track of


8. Then click on Create Audience and that’s it, your audience will start being registered.

According to Taboola’s documentation, the data may take up to 20 minutes to be updated, so in case of tests, take this into consideration.

Getting the pixel code for integration

On the screens following the settings of each kind of pixel, the pixel javascript codes and the tag img code. Warning: it’s not necessary to copy the whole code for the integration with Hotmart, only the name of the account, which will ensure the correct integration with our platform. Take a look at an example:


Hotmart Integration

After you perform these steps, you need to integrate the pixel to Hotmart. To do this:

1. Login to your Hotmart account through the link: https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/login

2. Click on Tools 

3. Click on Conversion Tracking Pixel 

4. Select the product you wish to integrate the Taboola pixel to and click on Continue

5. Among the services available, choose Taboola 

6. Paste Taboola’s Pixel ID and click Save

To access reports and graphs with detailed information, we recommend you insert the Hotmart Tracking Pixel on your website. Learn how here.

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