Home Subscription managementHow to change the trial model in subscription products?

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How to change the trial model in subscription products?

At Hotmart, you can have your own subscription product, which charges buyers periodic payments (weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, semestral, or annually). This way, every time that the buyer makes a payment, the Producer, and the Affiliate that made the sale, get paid. 

There are two trial models in the Hotmart platform:

  • Test-drive 
  • Free Trial 

 To choose one of these models, simply follow the step-by-step below: 

  1. Log in on the platform: https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/login
  2. Click on I’m a Producer in the left sidebar
  3. Select the subscription product you’d like to edit
  4. Click Pricing and scroll down to Plans
  5. Click on the 3 points beside the plan you’d like to change
  6. Click on Edit
  7. On the new screen, enable Trial Period
  8. Put in the number of days you’d like to offer 
  9. Choose Free or Test-drive under the charging method
  10. Click Save   


Here's an example:


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