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How can I found out the origins of my sales?

Identifying which ads, content, and channels are giving you the most return is critical to the success of your business strategy. In the end, having this data is the only way to optimize your sales process.

But how do you know which ad has converted the most, which site has provided more buyers, or which keywords have had the best results?

To do all that, Hotmart offers a campaign identification tool, the SRC/SCK system. It works simply and is often used in the strategies of our most experienced users.

Currently, you can use SCK parameters to identify the following sales sources:

  • Hotmart website: Identify the sales from buyers who came through the Hotmart website. For a creator to view this data, their product must be available on the Hotmart.com website and have at least one sale. 
  • Hotmart Sales Page: You can identify the sales that took place through a Hotmart Sales Page. In this case, the creator will see the sales made through a sales page, but not the Hotmart website.

E.g.: a sale that came from organic traffic after a Google search, or a campaign when the buyer got there using a promotional link to the sales page.

  • Hotmart Platform: It’s possible to identify sales that took place through the Hotmart Affiliate Market.
  • Club Sales: You can identify sales made through an advertisement within your Hotmart Members Area.


To use Hotmart's SRC/SCK, just follow the steps below

How to put the SRC/SCK parameters in the link


If you’re a creator and want to know the results of your campaigns according to the checkout page source, you should use a default SCK. 

If you have two campaigns, one on Facebook (fb) and one on another site (as). Your default links will look like this, respectively:

  1. https://pay. hotmart.com/XYZ?checkoutMode=X&sck=fb
  2. https://pay.hotmart.com/XYZ?checkoutMode=X&sck=as

The "https://pay.hotmart.com/XYZ" part corresponds to the payment, while "&sck=fb" corresponds to the SCK parameter. Make sure that is typed in lowercase letters.

If you make a sale through Promotional Link 1, the fb tag will be on that sale in the "Origin" field. If it’s through Promotional Link 2, the (as) tag will be registered. 

You can also use an SRC parameter to promote your own product as an affiliate or direct your customers to an alternative sales page and measure your campaigns. So, your links will be, respectively:

  1. http://www.go.hotmart.com/XYZ?src=fb
  2. http://www.go.hotmart.com/XYZ?src=as


If you are an affiliate, the SRC parameter allows you to identify which of your campaigns generates better results.

For example, if you have two ads on a blog and want to know which one generates more sales, with the help of the SRC, you can identify the campaigns on the sales page (http://www.go.hotmart.com/XYZ).

To do so, just insert the parameter ?src=xxx (xxx is the identification you want in lowercase letters) at the end of the Promotional Link.

In this case, your default Promotional Links will look like this, respectively:

  1. http://www.go.hotmart.com/XYZ?src=fb
  2. http://www.go.hotmart.com/XYZ?src=A


SRC/SCK code creation steps

When registering a campaign identification parameter, if you insert the first parameter found in the link, you must add the symbol “?”. If the link already has another parameter registered, insert “&”. For example:

  1. http://www.go.hotmart.com/XYZ?src=facebook
  2. http://hotmart.net.br/show.html?aa=M22R&src=facebook

Number of characters

You can create codes with up to 30 characters. This way, it’s easier to identify which ad it is on Hotmart, and you won't need to reduce the name of the ad or campaign.


You can also insert Pipes in your code to organize the data into text and separate the characteristics of your ad. For example, you are advertising a niche product for making handcrafts using Google Adwords and targeting the following keywords:

. handcraft course
. how to make handcrafts
. handcraft tutorial.

In this case, with the possibility of inserting the pipe and the expansion to 30 characters, the best configuration of the Promotional Link with SRC will be:


This way, when you download the sales report, you'll be able to separate by columns which channels and ads made the most sales. This makes it much easier to organize your Promotional Links and work with the data in your Excel spreadsheets.


The use of an underscore ("_") is not allowed as it is a reserved character.


Analyzing the results

After setting up the mapping on each channel, you will be able to view the report with the source of your sales. To do so, you just need to:

  1. Access Hotmart through the link: https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/login
  2. In the side menu, choose Reports. 
  3. At the bottom of the page, select Sales by checkout origin (for creators using the SCK parameter) or Sales by origin (for affiliates using the SRC code).
  4. Select the product you want to analyze and click Continue.
  5. You can filter the search result by time period and sales status on the next page. To do this, just click on Filters in the upper right corner of the page. 
  6. Enter the desired information and click Apply Filters.
  7. A graph containing the information divided by the segmentations you have set up will be generated.




Viewing the source of a sale

To see where your sale came from, just hover over the icons in front of the transaction. 

You can also view all sales already made through a particular channel. To do this, just go to the right side of the screen and filter by channel under Sales on Hotmart.


Results in Excel

To handle a CSV file with a pipe (the symbol |) in its information, you need to separate the cells with the data you entered in the SRC/SCK code.

  1. When you’ve finished downloading the file, open it and click on Data.
  2. Then click on Text to Columns.
  3. Select Delimiters.
  4. Click on Next, select Other, and enter the pipe symbol “|”.
  5. Go to Next, then Finish.

Your Sales Source report will be organized according to the parameter you entered. This makes it easier to create search filters in Excel and provides better data for your strategy.

Note: the Sales Source report will show all the Promotional Links you used. This means if you entered 10 different SRCs, 10 Promotional Links will be in the report.


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