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How to setup a product’s co-production?

Co-production happens when two or more people create a product together. Through this feature at Hotmart, it is possible to split the profits in the way the creators seem fit, having the payments automated for each one of the Producers.

For this setup, Hotmart has some rules, which are:

  • The number of co-Producers is unlimited, however, the main Producer needs to have at least 30% of the revenue for herself. In other words, the main Producer can split up to 70% of the revenue with as many co-Producers as she wishes;
  • Regardless of how many co-Producers there are, the main Producer answers for the product in the fiscal, tax, and legal spheres;
  • Only the primary creator can make changes to the product’s settings. Cocreators will have access to the product’s Sales History, but cannot change any product details.

To setup a product with this feature

1. Access your Hotmart account via this link: https://app-vlc.hotmart.com/login
2. On the left side menu, choose Tools
3. Click on Coproductions
4. Choose a product, click Continue and then Add
5. Fill in the information (email of the coproducer; length of contract; commission percentage; who will get commissions for sales; if Affiliates will get specific commissions)
6. Renewing a Coproduction Contract 

Determine the terms of the contract which will be sent to your partner and how much she will receive as commission. Pay attention to the Terms of Use that regulate this contract and be aware that:

  • The user who registers a product at Hotmart has total responsibility over the product, regardless of how many co-Producers are attached to the product. This includes but does not limit to fiscal, legal and customer support responsibilities;
  • All revenue made for the Producer is now split with the co-Producer(s) associated to the product. This also applies to any revenue brought in by Affiliates;
  • Once a cocreator accepts a contract, both parties must accept the termination of the co-creation to end the contract before the end of its term, or if it’s for an indefinite term.

  • The co-Producer needs to already have a Hotmart account.


Resending the Cocreation Contract 

If you want to resend the contract or cancel the coproduction, do the following:

  1. In the left side menu, click on Tools, and then on Cocreations;
  2. Select the cocreation for which you want to perform the action;
  3. In Actions, click on the three dots and Resend contract
  4. In Actions, click on the three dots and Cancel contract

Your cocreator needs to accept any cocreations, just like they need to accept the cancellation request or any changes.

Accepting a co-creation invitation 

To accept the co-creation, the invited user must follow the step-by-step instructions below: 

  1. Go to Products > I’m a cocreator;
  2. Then, click on the “Requests Received” tab;
  3. Click on "Actions" (icon with three dots);
  4. Select History of Changes, and then, "Actions”; 
  5. Check the order and select "Accept".

Accepting an invitation to cancel a co-creation

To accept the cancelation of the co-creation, the invited user must follow the step-by-step instructions below: 

  1. Go to Products > I’m a cocreator;
  2. Then, click on the “Requests Received” tab;
  3. Click on "Actions" (icon with three dots);
  4. Select History of Changes, and then, "Actions” ;
  5. Finally, click "Accept".

The co-productor can only view and accept the coproduction after the confirmation of his personal information at Hotmart's platform. To do it, he must click the option My Account at the superior menu and select the tab Personal Information. 

If you want your co-Producer to have permission to edit or manage some features on your Hotmart account, register her as your account attendant.

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